Romans 12 verse 11: ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;’
You are welcome to our discussion on maintaining or sustaining your fervency or zeal. Your zeal is such an important part of your walk with God. This is why you need to pay attention to it. Whether you know it or not, Satan is after your fervency. So, make sure you give him no place at all. When it comes to improving or maintaining your fervency, how do you go about it? This is a very important question to ask. So let’s look at ways whereby we can keep our fervency.
1. Maintaining your devotion to God.
This is one of the most tested and proven ways to keep your fervency as a believer. Beloved, let nothing come between you and your God. Cherish and protect dearly the time you spend with God because this is one of the main elements in sustaining your zeal. The reason at times is that some people’s zeal has gone down because of this. Endeavour to maintain your fervency, keep your devotion to God Intact. Mk 1 v 35. Spend quality time with God in your private devotions because a life that is devoted to God won’t be lacking in zeal. If you grow in your walk with God, you will also grow in your fervency too. So, my counsel to you is this, maintain your devotion to God at all costs. Acts 6 v 4.
2. Never stop chasing after God.
Be a God chaser. Be relentless in your pursuit of God. Never become slack or negligent in this area of your life. Keep your eyes firmly on God because this is where your strength lies. It’s your source of help and victory. Make sure you have a dissatisfaction that has to be satisfied over and over again. Dearly beloved, this is a major key to keeping your fervency. Ps 63 v 1 -2, 8. Many times, people start well but end badly. I have seen people start like a house on fire, but along the line, they fizzle out. If you don’t want your fire to go down, then you must never stop chasing after God. The Truth of the matter is that you can never have too much of God. There should be new Things to strive for every now and then. So dear friends, I encourage you today to go after God with all your heart. One thing is sure, you will never regret doing it in Jesus’ name, amen.
Dearly Beloved, as you work on these principles, may your life never remain the same in Jesus name, amen!
Other scriptural references: Ps 42 v 1 – 2; 84 v 1 – 2, 7; 143 v 6: Heb 12 v 2: Pro 8 v 17: Lk 1 v 80; 2 v 40,52
Prayer for today: I receive fresh fire from above into my walk with God in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to stay in touch with my Master and Savior. As I stay in fellowship with him, my joy and strength is renewed. My fire will never go out because I am yoked to the source of life. Glory be to God, my fervency is on the increase in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.