Romans 12 verse 11: ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;’
I believe that you have been enjoying this series of teachings on the subject of fervency! Your fervency as a believer speaks a lot about you and your state or condition. As far as God is concerned, he wants you to be fervent or hot continually. He doesn’t want you to be cold or lifeless. This is why you need to know how to maintain or keep your fervency; it will come under attack. But glory be to God, we are not without help and mercy. In our last lesson, I started sharing some of the signs of someone losing their fervency with you. Today by his grace, I will go a step further by sharing more symptoms of losing your fervency.
4. Lukewarmness becomes the order of the day.
Anyone who has lost his or her fervency is usually lukewarm. They are neither cold nor hot. It’s synonymous with being neither hot nor cold. As you can see from God’s word, this is not a good condition to be in. God would rather want you to be either of the two. Basically speaking, there is no in-between. Rev3v16. Beloved, it’s time to say no to every form of spiritual lukewarmness in your life. It’s time for you to be on fire for God. I pray for you today; may your fire never go down.
5. You don’t put in your best anymore.
Whatever is worth doing is what doing well. Whenever you see yourself settling for average or the minimum, it’s an indication of losing zeal or your fervency. This is why you need to say no to such a kind of attitude. It’s time to go the extra mile. It’s time to push yourself harder. Only the best is good for God, so give him your best and don’t settle for average. I see God’s fire falling afresh on you today! I see a restoration of your heart back to God! Glory be to God, the era of settling for average is over forever in Jesus’ name. Eccl 9 v 10.
6. Carelessness becomes a part of your life.
When someone becomes careless with the things they do that they wouldn’t do on a good day before, it’s an indication that some things are wrong. God wants you to be on your guard, spiritually speaking. This is why you can’t afford to be careless spiritually, emotionally, morally, physically, and even in other areas of your life. Anyone who does not cherish his or her fervency may become careless spiritually. So, if God is keeping you, you need to keep yourself. Eph 4 v 27: 1Cor 10 v 12 – 13. It’s time for you to say no to every form of lack of control in your life as a result of losing Your fervency. May today usher you into that experience in Jesus’ name, amen.
Other scriptural references: 1Pet 5 v 8: Pro 24 v 30 – 34: Matt 13 v 25: Lam 3 v 40: Col 4 v 12-13: 2Cor 13 v 5
Prayer for today: Father God, help me to be on guard spiritually so that the enemy will not have his way in my life.
CONFESSION: Holy Spirit, help me to stay focused on You! Help me not to become weary or lukewarm. I receive your help and grace to stay fervent in my walk with you. I resist and reject every temptation of the enemy to cave in. Thank you for being my strength and stay!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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