Psalm 9verse 9 ‘The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.’

There is no doubt about the fact that we are living in challenging times and seasons! But the good thing is that God has not left us all alone without hope or help. He has promised to be our refuge in such a time like this. So my dear brothers and sisters, cheer up, for your salvation is here!
However, in the midst of all that is happening around the world, God does want you to live anyhow or any way but according to his own ways so that you can be victorious. So how does he want you to live? It gives me great pleasure today to share with you another way God wants you to respond to the crisis in our world today! Here we go!

2. By choosing your response wisely. Instead of reacting negatively choose to respond positively. You need to always remember that there is a difference between the problem and your reactions. So choose your response wisely. You can choose to be either bitter or better! You can also choose to be grateful or grumbling! The choice is yours. Let us learn from the lives of Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon, as they chose to respond wisely. However, the same could not be said of Jonah (Jon4v1-11), who chose to be bitter and depressed! My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to take note of the following truths about your response:
-You have the power to choose your response. The power is in your hands and not in God’s hand. Dan1v8
-Nobody can choose your response for you! It’s something that you only can decide. Wow! This is powerful and life-changing if you get what I’m saying to you now! Lk15v17
-Your response will determine the final outcome. This is why you need to choose your response wisely.Jam1v2-4
Make up your mind today that you will think before you act. Make up your mind today that you will look before you leap! Choose to be still and calm! Refuse to be agitated and worried! Make up your mind today that you will not quit or give up no matter what the enemy throws your way. This is the attitude of champions and winners in life! This is the mentality that you need to have if you will successfully live through this season. I see you winning and not losing as you embrace this mentality in Jesus name, amen. Ps34v5

Other Scriptural References: Isa30v15: Ps25v15; 37v7: Jos24v15: 2Ki6v32

Prayer for Today: I say no to every negative spirit of complaining and murmurings in Jesus name. Amen.

CONFESSION: As I chose to respond positively to the crisis of this hour, my joy and peace shall not be taken away. As my mind stays on him, I walk through this season victoriously by his grace and wisdom! I am a winner and not a loser! I triumph in all my trials in life. Hallelujah!