Pro. 25 v 4: “Take away the dross from silver, and it will go to the silversmith for jewellery.”
You are welcome back to our discussion on how to increase your value. Yes, it’s possible to increase your value as an individual if you meet certain conditions as we can see in our text scripture (Pro.25v4). What do we mean by increasing our value? It simply means to increase your level or degree of usefulness or profitability as a person. This is a feat that can be done. It’s possible to take your value to another level and I am pretty sure you also want to grow in your worth or value. This is what I shall be sharing with you in this series but before we get there, there are some important things you need to know about value. I know I shared some of these things with us last time but I want us to examine some more in detail today. So, here we go.
Things to know about value:
3. Your value can go up or come down. It can increase or decrease. Yes, the fact that you are valuable today does not mean you will be tomorrow if you fail to work on your level of usefulness. Have you not heard of companies that were once viable and valuable that later lost their relevance and profitability? My prayer for you is that you will not lose your level of usefulness in Jesus name (Gal.5v7).
4. It takes value to create value. You can’t give what you don’t have. We teach what we know but we reproduce who we are. Everything reproduces after its kind as you can see in (Gen.1v11, 21). You need to be a value-added person in order to give or add value to where you are. So, what kind of person are you? Are you a valuable person?
5. There are different kinds of values. We manifest value in different dimensions and fashion; some of which I’ll like to share with you today:
- Real value– This is your real worth and importance (Pro.31v10)
- Perceived value– Value that people think you are worth (Matt.16v13-15)
- Monetary value– The price of a thing or your financial worth (1Ki.10v23)
- Moral value– Your moral worth and importance (Dan.1v8)
- Spiritual value– Your spiritual worth and importance
- Perverted value– Value that has been corrupted (2Pet.2v7-8)
- Stolen value- Value that has been lost or taken away
- False value– Value that is not true
- Enduring value– Value that is long-lasting and permanent in nature (Job 42v12)
My dear reader, I trust that you have been blessed by our discourse today. May your capacity to add value go to another level in Jesus name, amen.
Other Spiritual References: (Pro. 31 v 10; Jos. 3 v 7: 4 v 14; 1 Sam. 20 v 18: 22 v 14: 29 v 3; Philip. 2 v 20)
Prayer for Today: Father God, take my capacity for profitability to another level. Holy Spirit, help me to add greater value in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I live an extraordinary life because I add value wherever I am. I am a blessing and not a burden. I am an asset and not a liability. I am an eternal excellency; the joy of many generations. I am salt and light anywhere I go. I grow in value and honor. I am a voice and not an echo. I shine for the glory of my God as I manifest my colorful destiny in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
This is very touching.God bless you