Micah7verse8: ‘Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.’
There are right ways of dealing with failure and there are certainly wrong ways of dealing with failure too. You need to be sure that you are handling your failure experiences in life properly. This is why this series of teachings is coming your way and I believe that it will usher you into the fullness of God’s purpose concerning failure. As you can see from our text scripture (Micah 7verse8) there is a time of failure and a time of sitting in darkness but the good news is that you can profit from your experience of failure in life. So can you do this? How did the likes of David, Moses, and the Prodigal Son profit from their experience of failure? This and many more are some of the things I will be sharing with you today. So if you are ready for this, here we go!
To overcome or profit from your failures in life, you need to have the right kind of attitude. Yes, your attitude matters a lot if you win the warfare over failure. The difference between success and failure is your attitude, this is why you need to pay a lot of attention to this important truth. Pro23v7. So when we talk about attitude, what do we mean?
Your attitude is the following:
-How you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
-A settled way of thinking about something.
-Inward feelings expressed by outward behavior.
This is generally what an attitude is all about! So in bringing it home better, what kind of attitude do you need to have towards your failure?
1. An attitude that never gives up. Yes, this is the attitude of those who ultimately win over failure. An attitude that never gives up easily no matter how many times they fail. This is the kind of attitude that the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda had (Jn5v1-9). It is the same kind of attitude that Blind Bartimaeus had too (Mk10v46-50). This was certainly the kind of attitude that Abraham Lincoln (one of America’s greatest Presidents) had despite going through failures many times. My dear friends, this is the same attitude that you too need to possess if you will win over failure! Are you ready for this kind of challenge?
2. A Believing Attitude. This is an attitude that is full of possibilities. An attitude that believes that all things are possible. This is the kind of attitude that winners possess and you too need to embrace this kind of attitude if you prevail over your failures in life. Mk9v23. You have to believe in yourself even when others don’t believe in you. You have to believe that there are other ways of solving that challenge. You need to have an open mind that impossibility is nothing. This is what separates winners from losers. This is the kind of attitude that you too must put on if you will win your warfare over failure. Eph4v23. My dear friends, believing opens the door to possibilities. Your belief makes the impossible possible. So never stop believing that you can and you will prevail. Philip4v13.
This is another important attitude that you need to embrace concerning your failures if you will defeat them. So stop the self-doubt and unbelief. No matter how many failures you have been through, I see you prevailing if you don’t stop believing.
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor4v13; Rom4v17; Heb10v35-39; Job14v14; Ps40v1-3; Luk18v5.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in keeping a good attitude towards my challenges and failures in life In Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: My attitude determines my altitude and performance in life. Therefore, I choose to have a good attitude towards my experiences of failure. I will never give up in life. I will not retreat nor surrender my dreams to noisy negatives! I believe that all things are possible to him that Believes! Because I am a believer and not a doubter, I prevail and win in life in Jesus’ name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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