2 Peter3verse18: ‘But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.’
You are welcome back to our discourse on growing spiritually. I sincerely believe that you are receiving instructions and his help in establishing your spiritual life.
Essentially our focus has been on understanding some of the basic truths about spiritual growth. And today by his grace, I intend to share some other vital truths about your spiritual growth. So if you are ready here we go!
5. Spiritual Growth is not something you can do in Isolation. What do I mean by this? It simply means that you need the input of others in order to grow spiritually, as you can’t do it all by yourself. You don’t grow in isolation but you grow in a community.
As a believer, you need relationships with others in order to grow. Heb10v24-25. A good example of this in the Bible is that of Eli and Samuel. It was Eli who was instrumental in the spiritual growth of young Samuel. i.e. 1Sam2v11, 18, 21, 26: 3v1, 19. So, my dear friends, you won’t grow all by yourself because you need the contribution, encouragement, and support of others in order to grow. Are you willing to seize these opportunities for growth?
6. It takes time to grow spiritually. This is often something we can’t wait for. You can’t fast-track or hasten up your spiritual growth. You won’t grow up spiritually in a day.
Spiritual Growth is a gradual and continuous effort and work. Just like it takes time to become a doctor, engineer, or nurse! It will take time for you to also grow spiritually. So take your growth stage by stage. Be willing to go through the phases of spiritual growth. You will become far better at the end of the day. Heb5v12-14.
I see you getting here by his grace in Jesus name amen
Other Scriptural References: Eccl3v1; 1Cor13v11; Mk4v26-27; Acts9v19, 28: 11v25.
Prayer for Today: I connect myself fully to the grave to grow spiritually from today in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to invest in my spiritual growth from today. Therefore, I will leave nothing to chance or coincidence. I do not ignore the opportunities and platforms that God has placed around me for growth. I choose to be committed to the very end because it is those who endure that will be saved. This is my resolution and decision. So help me precious Holy Spirit

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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