2 Peter3verse18: ‘But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.’
I believe that you are enjoying this series on growing spiritually. Indeed, it has been a great time of revelation and insight, I pray that your spiritual life will never be the same again in Jesus’ name amen. I have been sharing with you the things that you need to feed on if you will grow and today I intend to look at another important menu for your spiritual growth. If you are ready for this, here we go! To grow spiritually, you need to:
2. Have a virile prayer life. Acts6v4. What do I mean by virile? I mean: healthy, active, productive, strong, and energetic. So how would you describe your prayer life? Hot or cold? Active or passive? Strong or weak? The answers you give to these questions will tell whether your prayer life is virile or not. But on a serious note, you need to have a virile prayer life if you want to grow spiritually (Mk1v35; Luk5v16; Rom1v9; 2Tim1v3). So how can you have a virile prayer life? You can do this by the following:
a. Create a time and place for prayer. You will only have time for the things you value or treasure. So if your prayer life is important to you, you will have a time and place to pray. Mk1v35; Luk6v12; Dan6v10; Matt6v6. So it’s time to stop leaving your prayer life to chance or coincidence. Make it specific and you will see the transformation it will bring into your spiritual life.
b. Be consistent in your prayer time. This is where the challenge is most of the time. We pray once in a while, occasionally, or when we feel like it. Sadly, this kind of approach will not help you to grow spiritually or develop your prayer life. So you need to make it consistent no matter what happens. Consistency will help in building character, stamina, and power. Therefore, make up your mind from today that will stick to your prayer time come rain or shine. Col4v2; Luk18v1.
As you do this, you will be on your way to a great transformation in your spiritual growth. See you in the next lesson for the continuation of this truth. Hallelujah!
Other Scriptural References: Acts1v14: 2v46:3v1; Rom12v12; 1Thess5v17; Ps55v17
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me today in putting into practice these truths you shared with me in Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: Lord I receive your help and grace in keeping to my prayer schedule. Help me to stay committed to the cause to the very end. This is my solemn prayer and vow in Jesus’ name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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