Ps.23V1: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Dear friends, the sufficiency of God ought to be a living reality in our lives as believers, for this is God’s will be concerning us. David experienced the all-sufficiency of God and so did other covenant people in the Bible. This, too, can become your testimony for God is not a respecter of persons but of faith. This is why I have been sharing with you certain principles for experiencing the sufficiency of God. Today by his grace, I will be sharing another powerful principle with you. So if you are ready for this, here we go.


(5) By being thankful for what you have and where you are now. Abundance flows out of a heart of gratitude. Ingratitude will cause you to be grounded and stranded in life. This is why you need to be thankful always if you really want to experience the sufficiency of God. Thankfulness is the key to supernatural provision and abundance and you will be attracting endless abundance by keeping a gratitude mindset (Phl.2v14).

So, my dear reader, you need to stop complaining about where you are now or what you have now. Stop complaining about what you don’t have now.  Stop being envious or jealous of others. Enjoy where you are now and what you have now. This is how to experience God’s sufficiency when you start showing gratitude like you ought to. I’m sure you are wondering how gratitude will bring all-sufficiency into my life? Yes, it will bring abundance into your operations and life because gratitude is a mystery and a miracle. It’s also a miracle worker and thankfulness will make you a wonder to your world (Ps.67v5-7). So it’s time to engage this weapon to your advantage. Your little will become much when you mix it with gratitude. In fact, gratitude has a multiplier effect on things (Matt.14v19–20). This is why you need to deploy the powerful weapon in your life. It’s time to amplify your praise. In order to reap the full benefits of gratitude in your life, you need to.

  • Be deliberately thankful. Be intentional and purposeful in your praise (Ps.34v1–2).
  • Be extravagant in your thanks. Be excessively thankful. Learn to overpraise God instead of underpraising him (Col.2v6–7).
  • Be relentless in your thanks. Never stop giving thanks, no matter the circumstance or your outcome in life. Be committed to praising him, notwithstanding or nonetheless (Ps.45v1–2).

My dearly beloved ones, it’s time to upgrade your praise. It’s time to commit yourself to a lifestyle of gratitude. It’s time for the rain of God’s blessings on you and your enterprise. If you believe this, do say a big amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Jn 6 v 12: Matt 15 v 36 – 37: Jn 11v41 – 42: Lk 17 v 15 – 19: Ps.104v33; 1Thes.5 v 18: 2 Sam.6 v 13 – 14).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I thank you for my days of living from hand to mouth and barely managing is over in Jesus name. Jesus is my sufficiency.

CONFESSION: I enter into a new season of life. I walk in the realm of abundance and surplus. My days of living from one paycheck to another are over. I enter into the overflow dimension. God’s sufficiency is my portion and heritage; therefore, I have all that I need and I abound in every good work. My storehouses and barn are filled with plenty. My supplies will never run out for gratitude opens the door to my needs now and always. Glory be to Jesus, for the God of sufficiency is my God and guide.