Ps.23V1: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Our God is the God of all-sufficiency! He has more than enough to meet any need of yours. This is the experience of King David as dearly revealed in (Ps 23v1). He had known and experienced the sufficiency of God. Although we live in a world where human needs are diverse, God’s grace is more than enough to meet your needs. This leads us to the question of how can someone experience the sufficiency of God. These are the things I will be providing answers to in this series by his grace and wisdom. But first and foremost, you need to know that you can enjoy God’s sufficiency no matter the kind of circumstance you are in right now. My dear reader, I am sure you are eager to know how to experience God’s sufficiency. If this describes your situation, then you are in the right place. So how can God’s sufficiency be a reality in your life? God’s sufficiency can become a reality in our lives when you start paying attention to the principles I’ll be sharing with you in this series. So without much ado, let’s examine them right away.


1. By trusting God as your sufficiency or the God of your sufficiency. As simple as this looks. I know from experience that not every believer trust God as their sufficiency. A lot of people trust their talent, business, skills, connections or work as their sufficiency. This ought not to be so. Although these things are good in themselves, they are not supposed to be your sufficiency, but instead, they are supposed to be a channel or a means through which God can bless you. Your sufficiency should be in God and God alone. This is why you need to make a paradigm shift in your mind from today. What do I mean by this? You need to start trusting God:

  • To meet your needs. (LK.22V35)
  • To meet all your needs. (Philip 4v9)
  • To liberally meet all your needs. (1Tim. 6V7)

Precious child of God, as you begin to trust God as your sufficiency, you will begin to notice his involvement more and more in your needs. You will begin to have testimonies also of his faithfulness and wonders. One thing is sure and certain you will begin to see in deed and in truth the God of all-sufficiency at work in your life and endeavours. So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to begin to put to the test this powerful principle.

Other Scriptural References: (Ps.81V10, 16: 34V5: 31V1: 118 V8-9: 20V7-8: Dan.1V5 Neh.9V21).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge and trust you as the God of my sufficiency from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION:  I trust the ability of the Lord as my Shepherd; therefore, I know that I shall be well provided for. I believe it is well with my past, present and future because the Lord is my sufficiency. I rely on him to meet all of my needs. I put all of my worries and anxieties upon him. I refuse to fret about anything; instead, I chose to rest in his love and care for me. I know God loves me too much to abandon me. I am in his thoughts and plans, so no need to worry or be afraid for my tomorrow shall be all right. Glory be to God his grace is more than sufficient for me in Jesus name, amen