1Timothy6verse12. ‘Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witness.
Dearly Beloved, I hope you have enjoyed this series of teachings on dealing with the Enemies of Your Faith! God wants you to put the enemies of your faith where they really belong, that is, under your feet. This is why he has been sending these messages your way. I believe it will usher you into a new season in your life. Now is the time for you to start gaining the Upper Hand over all the enemies of your faith. Whatever is stopping your faith from working like it ought to work will no longer be effective in your life because I see the tide turning in your favor. If you believe this say a big AMEN. To defeat an enemy, you need first to identify that enemy and today, we will be focusing on another enemy that you need to deal with. So, what is this enemy, and how do you handle it?
4. Worry or Anxiety. Worrying would make your faith to be unproductive; this is why you need to stop worrying and start resting on his promises. Someone who is resting is not agitated or struggling. They have learnt how to lean or trust in his promises. They have committed their cause to God. They are not carrying their burdens, but instead, they have put their burdens on the Lord. Ps37v7.
My Dearly Beloved Ones, it’s time to stop being anxious and start casting all your cares on him. 1Pet5v7. You can live a carefree life in Christ Jesus. It’s possible to be free of cares or worries if you allow God to be your Burden Bearer and trust in his promises. This is what Philippians 4verse 6 says, and I want us to consider some other translations:
–Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything– Amplified Version
–In nothing be anxious– American Standard Version
–Don’t worry about anything– Contemporary English Version
My dear reader, worrying about any issue won’t solve those issues. So, what’s the antidote to worrying?
–Pray to God about the issue. Why worry when you can pray. Philip4v6-7. In actual fact casting your burdens on the Lord is another way of praying to your heavenly father. So, committing that issue to God is a way of not worrying.
–Sing Praises to God. Instead of worrying, another thing you can do is to sing praises to your God. Thankfulness or gratitude is always a mood lifter and a changer of story. So instead of worrying, praise God! Ps34v1-2
–Rest in his Promises. Let your confidence be in his words. Let his word be the final authority in every area of your life. Choose to meditate on his promises. Let his word be what you rather dwell upon instead of your challenges or troubles. When you do this, you will see that there is no reason to worry. Ps62v1,5
So, Precious Child of God, it’s time to stop the worry and anxiety because those who worry never grow in their Faith. Let your trust be in his Word! I see victory becoming the order of the day for you in Jesus name. Amen.
Other Scriptural References: Matt6v25-34;11v28-30: Lk10v41:1cor7v32: Acts27v25: Heb4v9:
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I choose to rest in his promises instead of worrying. Help me to accomplish this in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I rest in God’s Love for me. I rest in his word instead of being anxious about anything. I say no to a lifestyle of worrying. I am done with such a kind of life. I enter into the dimension of Rest! This is my confession and reality in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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