Job 22:2 Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable unto himself?

I believe that you are enjoying this series on How to be a Profitable Worker. I trust that God has been opening your eyes of understanding and you are also gaining better insights as to how to serve God better? Like I mentioned in the previous lesson, God wants to be served in a particular way and it’s when we serve him like that, we become Profitable in his Work. We also discussed two ways by which God wants to be served Today by his grace, I will go a step further in sharing with you other ways God wants to be served. I believe you are ready for this, so here we go without much ado!


3. By Serving Him according to the Scriptures.

Yes, the Word of God shows us how God wants to be served. God’s Word should be our guide and helper with regards to how to serve God. Your Service should be motivated or driven by his Word. This is how to serve God if you want to Prosper in his Work. My dear reader, without any shadow of a doubt, you can never go wrong when you serve God according to his Word. Matt4v4. So it’s time to pattern your service after his word. One interesting thing about God’s word is that it gives me a clear understanding of how God wants things to be done. This is why you should make his word your companion and friend at all times.
So how does the scripture say we should serve God? God’s word has not left us in the dark as per how to serve. Today, by his grace, I would like to share some of the obvious ways the scriptures encourage us to serve him.


1. Serve him with everything within you.

This means you should serve him spirit, soul and body. God wants you to serve him with the totality of your being and not half-heartedly. Deut6v4-6. So when are you going to start giving him the totality of your being?

2. Serve him with everything that you have.

God wants you to serve him with your gold, silver and even your treasures, for this is how the Scripture commands you to serve him. Are you ready to serve him like this? LK8v2-3

3. Serve him with the right motives.

God wants your motives for service to be pure and without hypocrisy. You ought to serve God not because of what you will get or gain but by what you will give. My dear reader, God is always looking at your heart and not just your hands. In fact, he will judge you faster on your motives than your moves. So endeavor to serve with the right motivation so that your service can be acceptable in his Sight. Eph6v6-7

4. Serve Him Sacrificially.

Yes, this is what it entails to serve God. it takes giving up in order to go up. So are you willing to make sacrifices in serving God? The answers you give to this question will determine if you will be Profitable in his House. 2cor12v14-15

5. Serve him all the days of your life.

Your service to God should not be seasonal or once in a while. You have been called to serve God till you die. Your days, months, years and lifetime should be used in the service of God. So are you prepared for this kind of Service? Lk1v74-75

6. Serve Him faithfully.

Faithfulness in service pays off huge dividends at the end of the day. This is why you need to make faithful service your priority. I guarantee you that your labors won’t be in Vain as you do so. Pro28v20.

7. Serve him fervently.

God expects you to serve him with zeal and enthusiasm. He wants you to serve when you are hot and not when you are cold. He wants you to be aglow in your service. Rom12v11. My dear reader, you will profit massively in his work when you serve God after this manner.

Dearly Beloved, I believe you can see from the things I have shared with you today how you ought to serve God according to the scriptures to become profitable in his work. I pray that your service to God will go to another level as you serve him the way he wants to be served.

Other Scriptural references:1cor15v10: Rom7v6: Lk2v36-37: Ps63v1-2: Eccle9v10: Pro16v2; 21v2: Acts20v19

Prayer for Today: Lord help me to serve according to your holy word in Jesus name amen.

CONFESSION: I receive Grace and help in serving God according to his word. His Word is my illuminator and guide as to how to serve him and as I serve him accordingly, I will never go astray nor go wrong in Jesus name. His word teaches me on how to Profit in his Work. This is my testimony and experience in the land of the living in Jesus name amen.