Job 22 verse 2 Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable unto himself?
God does not want you to labor in Vain or bring forth unto trouble. He wants your labor for him to be blessed and fruitful. This is why you should be interested in becoming a Profitable Worker in his Vineyard. Just as a man can be profitable unto himself, it’s also possible for you to be profitable to God. But if this will be a reality in your life, you need to serve God the Way he wants to be served. So how can you know the way God wants to be served? How can you do God’s Work his own Way? This is what I intend to start discussing with you from today, so without much ado, let’s get the ball rolling.
1. By serving according to His purpose and will for your life.
Every one of us has a purpose for our creation and until you discover this purpose, serving God may be an exercise in futility. So do you know his Purpose for your life and are you serving him in that manner? If you do, service will take on a new meaning for you. May this be your testimony and experience in Jesus name amen. One way you know someone who is serving according to his Purpose is that you are doing what he has commanded you to do. So my dear reader, how much of what he has asked of you to do are you doing? There is no time for you to hesitate anymore, but it’s time for you to bury yourself in his purpose for your life. Doing this will enable you to serve God the way he wants to be served. So it’s time to hit the ground running. As you do this, your labour shall not be in vain. Jer1v4-8
2. By serving God like no other person.
This is how God wants you to serve him. He wants you to be distinct in your service. So are you doing the best where you are serving God now? How can we describe the kind of work that you are doing for God? Exceptional or Average! My dear brothers and sisters, there is no way you won’t be blessed and profitable in God’s work when you serve in this manner. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to follow the prolific example of Timothy, David, and the likes of Pricilla and Aquila in terms of serving like no other person. Today, my admonition is to start doing God’s work like no other person. Philip2v19-22.
As you serve God in this manner, you will begin to profit massively in his work. May this be your testimony in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural references: 1sam22v14: Eccle9v11: Rom16v3-4: Acts9v15-16; 26v9;13v21: Exo3v10-11: 2tim4v11
Prayer for Today: Lord help me profit massively in your work in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, my heart’s desire and motivation is to be a Profitable Worker in your hands and House. I don’t want to be a cast-away worker but one that is relevant and valuable in your house. Help me become more useful in your hands to the glory of your name in Jesus name, amen. This is my prayer and desire, so help me God!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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