Job 22 verse 2 Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable unto himself?
Whatever you do for God, it’s important for you to know that God’s intention is for you to profit from his Work. But what I have discovered over the years is that not everyone is profiting from God’s work. This is why we shall be looking at how to be a Profitable Worker. Our working for God is not supposed to be in vain. If you look at our text scripture in Job22verse2, you will see that the question of someone being profitable to God comes up. The answer to the question is that it’s possible for someone to be profitable to God just as a Wise man is profitable to himself. If you take a close look at the scriptures, you will see that a lot of men and women were profitable in their service to the Lord. If they can do it, it’s a testament that you too can do it because God is no respecter of persons but of faith. So, who is a Profitable Worker? A Profitable Worker is a worker who is profiting in God’s work; they are useful and of great value to God and his work. Col4v11.
So how can you become this type of Worker? How can someone do God’s work in a profitable manner? The answer to these questions is simply by doing God’s work in his own way. This is how you can become a profitable worker. The Truth of the matter is that God has a way he wants to be served. He doesn’t want to be served anyhow or any way. A very important question to ask yourself as a worker at this Juncture is if you are doing God’s work his way? The answer you give to this question will determine to a great extent how you have been doing God’s work.
Dearly beloved, when it comes to doing God’s work, I have discovered that people do God’s work in the following manner:
1. The way they want. This is obviously not the way to serve God. You can’t afford to serve God the way you want; rather, your goal should be to serve God the way he wants to be served.
2. The Way you think he should be served. When it comes to serving God, it’s not something that you can do by guesswork but something that must be done in the right way. 1cor14v40
3. The Way you like. It’s not given to you to determine how you will serve God, but instead, it’s God who determines how he wants to be served. The moment you understand this principle, the better your service will be unto God Mal1v6
4. The way the world wants you to. The World is not supposed to choose our ways of serving God because God has not left us in the dark as to how to serve. 1jn1v5. So, my dear reader, it’s time for you to serve him in the right manner.
5. Anyhow or any way. The truth is that anything done anyhow or anyway won’t really go far. Therefore, you can’t afford to serve God in this manner because our God deserves only the very best. So my counsel to you is to stop serving God anyhow or any way. Jer48v10
6. The way you know how. While this may sound at least much better than the first set of reasons I’ve given you so far, it’s still not the best way to serve God. God wants you to leave the stage of just serving him based on the little things you know, to growing up in your service to God. So make up your mind that you won’t remain at this level of service. Acts 18v24-28
Our Greatest desire and pleasure should be in serving God the way he wants to be served. So my dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? It’s time to serve God the way he wants to be served, as this is the way your work will attract his Blessings. You should also never forget that since it’s his Work, he also has the right to choose how his work should be done. So as you honor God by serving him in this way, may your profiting appear unto all in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural references:1chro15v13: Num4v15;7v9: Rom13v7: isa55v8-9: 1tim4v15: 1thess3v5: Philip2v16
Prayer for Today: My heart’s desire is to be profitable doing God’s work. Holy Spirit, let this be a living reality in my life.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, help me to do your work profitably. I choose to walk in your ways and paths. I choose to follow your counsel and advice. I choose to do things your own way and not my own way. Help me, Blessed Holy Spirit, to serve you in this manner and disposition. And as I serve you in the manner, my profiting shall be Undeniable.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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