Philip.3v13-14: Brothers and Sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Setting goals is one thing and accomplishing them is another thing. This is why you need to know how to actualize your goals. The purpose of this lesson is to show us how to accomplish our goals/aspirations in life. The Apostle Paul is a great example of a goal-getter. As you can see in Phil.3v13-14, his determination and focus on his goal is undeniable. He put all of his energy on his goals because he wanted to accomplish them. This is the way you also need to approach your goals if you will ever accomplish them (2Ki.2v1-12). What does it take to be a goal-getter? How can you actualize your goals? I will be sharing 10 proven principles with you in this regard. Here we go:
- Write them down. Writing down your goals contributes a lot to their accomplishment. Writing things down is very important because of the following reasons:
* it helps to capture your thoughts and intentions better.
* It helps you not to forget easily. Whatever is written cannot be easily forgotten.
* It helps you to be better organized and focused.
So, where have you written your goals? You need to write down your goals where you can easily access them i.e. a book or journal etc. Don’t just have it in your mind. Write it down somewhere that is safe and secure. In writing down your goals, make sure it’s clearly written out; for whatever is not specific won’t be dynamic! (Heb.2v2).
2. Keep your goals before you. My dear reader, let it not depart from your eyes. As is said: out of sight means out of mind. Keep your goals where you can see them regularly. Why is this so important? It’s important because:
- It keeps your goals in your memory and mind. This is why you should keep it before your eyes.
- You become what you see regularly. As you daily see your goals, the process of becoming is set into motion (2Cor.3v18). Use this power to your advantage.
- It gives your brain/mind something to work with and on (Pro.23v7).
Where have you kept your goals? Is it somewhere you can easily see them? How often do you behold your goals? The answers you give to these questions will determine the extent to which you will go with your goals. I therefore challenge you today to begin to take these concrete steps in actualizing your goals.
Other Scriptural References: (Deut.6v9; Pro.4v20-22: 3v21; Lk.9v62; 1Cor.9v26).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I am fully resolved in mind and heart in becoming a goal-getter. Please help me blessed comforter.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to actualizing my goals. I will hit my targets and accomplish my goals as I become a better goal-getter. I cooperate fully with the principles at my disposal in accomplishing my goals. My days of labouring with nothing to show for it are over. My days of labouring in vain are over. My days of great returns and fruitfulness is here. Glory be to God; I am becoming a better goal-getter.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I am becoming a goal-getter in Jesus name. If we can dream it, we can get it.
Thank you sir for this new series.
My days of great returns and fruitfulness is here as I become a better goal getter, help me Lord.