Joshua 21 verse45 ‘There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Isreal; all came to pass.’
God is a covenant-keeping God. He is not just a promise maker but also a promise keeper! As you can see from our text scripture (Joshua 21 verse45), he kept every word he spoke concerning the house of Israel. This is also what he wants to do in your life also. This is why I have been sharing with you on how to appropriate the promises of God! It’s not just enough to have his promises, you need to know how to make his promises yours .This is what this series of teachings is all about and from today, I will be sharing with you how you can actually appropriate the promises of God. So if you are ready for this, here we go!
1. By believing his promises. This is what you need to do if the promises of God will be a reality in your life. So what do I mean by believing his promises? It means having faith and confidence in his promises. Your attitude should be God says it, I believe it and that settles it. Whatever promise that God has made to you or in his word, it’s important that you believe it. So do you really believe his promise to you? Isa7v9; Heb11v33.
I am sure you are interested in how to believe his promises? There are some proven ways by which you believe his promises and I would like to share some of them with you:
-You believe it with the whole of your heart. Pro3v5.You believe God’s promises with your heart and not your head.
-You believe it in the face of contradictions and opposition. Gen18v10, 14.
-You believe it even when others don’t believe it. This was what Joseph did with regard to his dreams, he believed it despite the unbelief of his brothers.
-You believe it even if it doesn’t make sense. Lk1v30-38
-You believe it all the time. Whether it is good, bad or ugly. You keep believing regardless of the situation of life because God is too faithful to fail.Rom4v17-21.
So my dear brothers and sisters, are you ready to believe his promise to you? Are you ready to believe his promise in spite of the circumstances of life? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether the promises of God will be a reality in your life or not! I pray that God’s promise will find expression in your life as you believe it in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Heb4v1-2; Mk9v23; 2Chro20v20; Ps62v8
Prayer for Today: Lord, I believe your word; please help my unbelief in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: His promise is yes and amen! Faithful is he who has promised and he will also do it. Therefore, I choose to be a believer and not a doubter! Glory be to God, for my believing will give birth to the manifestation of his promises in my life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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