1 Chronicles 11v9: ‘So David waxed greater and greater: for the Lord of hosts was with him.’
I am very sure that almost everyone wants to advance in life and most especially if you are a child of God, advancing on all sides is your inheritance. But when we look at our lives are we really advancing? This is why God is sending this message your way today so that you can be motivated to take your place in destiny. In our last lesson, I shared one of the keys to advancing in life with you, today by his grace, I will be sharing more insights on this. So here we go! To experience advancement:
2. Make room for more in your life. This also applies to whatever you are doing. Make room for God! Make room for more and increase. Ps81v10. There is room for more but it won’t just happen without your input and cooperation with God. Isa54v2-3. Stop limiting God and your potential as you are capable of doing much more than this. So how can you go about making more room? You do this by the following:
-Making rooms according to the places or areas you want God to fill. In other words, make room according to your desires and expectations. So what are your desires? Ps81v10.
-Making plenty of rooms and not just a little room. Don’t put a limitation on what God can do. Stretch your mind. Keep learning and growing. This will enlarge your capacity to receive more. 2Ki4v3.
-Making room by faith and not by sight. We are often limited by our senses but the realm of faith is unlimited. 2Cor5v7. Look to God as your source and sufficiency. Stop looking at men, the environment, or human systems. God is bigger than those things. This is why it’s important to always use and keep the switch of Faith on all the time. God will exceed all your expectations if you truly believe him. Mk9v23; Heb11v6.
Stretch your faith because all things are possible to those who believe. This was part of the lessons Elisha wanted the widow of the Prophet in 2Kings4 verse1-7 to see; that God is bigger than her current situation. He told her to get as many vessels as she could. The miracle stopped when there were no more vessels to fill. In the same vein, God can only go as far as your faith can go or carry! So from today, start shaking off everything that is trying to limit your faith for more!
I see you entering powerfully into the dimensions of advancing on all sides in Jesus’ name amen. If you believe this can you say a big amen!
Other Scriptural References: 2Ki3v6-17: Gen13v14-16; 2Cor9v6; Matt13v25
Prayer for Today: Today marks an end to every form of limitation and stagnation in my life in Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: Forward ever! Backward never! This is my motto and mantra! I say bye-bye to everything contrary to progress and advancement beginning from today in Jesus’ name amen! Hallelujah, this shall be my testimony and story from henceforth!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.