Acts 4verse33 ‘And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.’
You are welcome back to our discussion on how to abound in grace. The grace of God is something that should be on the increase in our lives as believers, and the essence of this series of teachings is to show us how we can grow and increase in the grace of God, as you can see from our text scripture (Acts4v33), the apostles abounded in the grace of God. So if they could abound in grace, it’s an indication that you, too, can abound in grace.
So how can someone abound in the grace of God? What causes the grace of God to abound and multiply?
1. Stay hungry. The great grace of God is available to those hungry for it. This is one of the reasons the apostles operated in great grace. They were simply hungry and thirsty for it. God’s gifts or provisions are always available to those who want them and one of the ways you show you want something is through your hunger. Matt5v6. My dear reader, to increase and grow in grace, you need to want more. There is more in God. God has much more than you can imagine. Jn10v10. Jesus came so that you and I can experience life in its fullness. So the more you desire God’s grace in your life and work, the more your chances of experiencing greater grace. Ps107v9. So let nothing or no one stop you from experiencing the grace of God on a rich and abundant dimension. It’s important not just to be hungry for more of his grace but to stay hungry for his grace.
The problem with some people is that they stop being hungry after a while. This is why you need to stay hungry all the time. Stay hungry as long as you live. Stay hungry perpetually! Never for once lose your hunger or appetite for more of his grace. As you do this, you will notice that his Grace will begin to abound richly towards you. So if you are ready for this dimension of life, can I hear a resounding amen?
Other Scriptural References: Jn7v37: Isa44v3-4: Lk6v21: 1Pet5v20: Ps81v10, 16: 2Pet3v18
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me never to lose my hunger for more of your grace in my life.
CONFESSION: My heart’s desire to walk in the fullness of his grace. Therefore I hunger and thirst for more of His Grace in my life. And I not only hunger today, but I receive grace to always hunger for more of God’s grace in all my endeavors! This shall be my testimony and Song from henceforth in Jesus’ name amen
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏