2Cor.2v11: Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
There are ways that Satan attacks us as believers and you make your victory easier when you are familiar with these schemes and devices. Dearly beloved, God wants you to have victory over the enemy and that victory starts with understanding how Satan attacks. Once you get to know his plans, you will never be prey in his hands anymore. So, what are the other tools that the enemy uses against God’s people? By His grace today, I will be sharing the third tool with us.
- Your mind. Your mind is the battleground where every spiritual battle is either won or lost. This is why you need to pay attention to your mind because it’s one of the major areas of your life that Satan attacks. God is obviously interested in your mind too; this is why the person you yield your mind over to, will eventually control your mind and ultimately your life (2Cor.10v3-5). Your mind speaks of your mental faculty, the part of you that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers. It is your intellect or memory. It’s an area Satan seeks to gain control of in your life and you must not allow him. This is why the scriptures says you need to guard your heart with all diligence. You need to ask yourself who is in control of your mind. Is it God or the devil? My dear reader, it’s time for you to stand against the operations of Satan in your mind. It’s time to build a garrison around your mind through the Word.
How does Satan attack the human mind? Satan attacks your mind in the following ways:
- By offering suggestions and thoughts contrary to God’s will and word. The next time a contrary thought comes into your mind, you should know where it’s coming from (Gen.3v1). Begin to say no to every contrary thought from today.
- By negative/contrary mentalities. A negative mindset empowers Satan and his activities. Therefore, begin to resist every defeatist or grasshopper mindset that is operational in your life. Stop allowing any negative mentality to thrive in your mind, rather begin to renew your mind with the right kind of mentality (Pro.23v7).
- By thinking negatively or wrongly. Thinking negatively empowers the enemy and allows him to operate in your life. This is why you need to choose wisely what you think about (Philip.4v8). Choose God’s word instead; make it your meditation and prayer. This will surely activate the workings of the power of God in your life.
- Through negative belief systems. What you believe also affects your mind; so choose what you believe wisely. Choose to believe what the Word says and not what the world or others are saying. It’s time for you to break free from every limiting belief system and your deliverance is here right now (2Cor.10v4).
Precious child of God, it’s time for you to guard jealously the gate into your mind. It’s time to break free from every oppression of the enemy against your mind. It’s time for the liberation of your mind. It’s time for God’s word to begin to gain ascendency in your mind. As this happens, the dominion of Satan weakens over your life, I see you entering into a new season of dominion and freedom. If you believe it, say I receive now in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Matt.5v28: 15v11: 16v7-8; Rom.12v3; Eph.4v30; Num.13v30; Dan.1v8; Jam.1v8).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I surrender and submit my mind to the word of God. I refuse to yield my mind to the works of the enemy in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I guard my mind against the wiles of Satan. I refuse to yield my mind to the unfruitful works of darkness. Instead, I yield my mind to the word of God. I choose to meditate on His word and I allow His word to also govern and influence my thoughts and actions. Glory be to God for this word empowers my mind and I walk in dominion over all the attacks of Satan.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I break free from every limiting belief system, Your Word have I hidden in my heart so I walk in dominion over all the attacks of satan, thank You LORD for sending this Word of Life. More Grace Sir.
I’m no longer held by negative thoughts. I guard my hearts against the wiles of the Devil. God’s words have I hidden in my hearts and I walk in dominion. AMEN
Halleluyah! Lord help me to make your word my focus only even as it influences my thoughts and actions. Amen