2Cor.2v11: Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Beloved, you cannot have the advantage over Satan if you do not understand his ways or moves. This is what our text scripture is also emphasizing and this is God’s will for you concerning the enemy of your soul. Therefore, your days of walking in the dark are over and your days of victory and dominion are here! I have been sharing with you the tools and devices that Satan often uses in attacking us. I trust you are being blessed. Today by His grace, I will be sharing with you another ancient weapon of the enemy which we will consider below.
- Ignorance. The devil thrives in an environment of ignorance because this is one of the principal weapons that he uses against the believer. So, whenever you are ignorant, you are empowering Satan in that area of your life. This is why you need to get wisdom from God’s word if you will not walk in darkness. By the way, darkness is another name for ignorance, and darkness is always associated with the works of Satan (Ps.82v5). Ignorance will cause you to be blinded, thus preventing you from seeing or perceiving what the enemy is up to. Dear friends, it’s time to walk in the light. Enough of you groping in the darkness. Saturate yourself with the word of God so that you can dispel the forces of darkness or ignorance around you. My dear reader, make up your mind from today that you will no longer be ignorant. Make up your mind to know the truth from today and stop empowering darkness over your life. I see you breaking free from today as you make those moves (1Jn.1v5, 7).
So, how does Satan use this tool of ignorance against God’s people? He does so in the following manners:
- By walking or keeping you in the dark. Make up your mind from today that you will no longer walk in the dark concerning any area of your life (Jn8v12; Lk.2v32).
- By not wanting to know. If you have no desire for knowledge, you are practically empowering ignorance to thrive in your life. It’s time to be hungry for knowledge (Ps.119v131).
- By not seeking wisdom. The wisdom of God is the most important thing that you can possess; so, go after God’s wisdom. Make it your priority and goal. This will help you to put the enemy under your foot (Pro.4v5, 7).
- By not being teachable or humble. It takes humility to learn; therefore, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, so that he can lift you up (Pro.15v12; Jam.4v10).
- By not asking questions. One of the benefits of asking questions is that it enables you to know, thus giving you mastery over ignorance. Begin to ask the right kind of questions from today (Lk.9v44-45).
My dear reader, you can begin the journey of victory and conquest over all the attacks of Satan today by gaining wisdom and knowledge in the relevant areas of your life. Let your quest and hunger for the truth begin today. I see you winning the warfare over the enemy of your soul in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Hos.4v6: 6v3; Acts 19v1-6: 18v24-26; Isa.42v19-20: 5v13l Matt.13v11, 13-16; 2Cor.11v3: 4v4; Pro.16v16: 8v34-35).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank you for shining your light along my pathway. Glory be to God, my days of walking in the dark are over forever in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God for I am no longer a captive of Satan. I am no longer a slave of ignorance. I am free from the bondage of ignorance for my eyes of understanding are enlightened by His word. My eyes can see and my ears can ear. Therefore, I no longer walk or grope in the dark. I am a child of light and I walk in His light. Because I walk in His light, I have life and I am victorious over all the attacks of Satan in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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