Ps.119v89: Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven.
God’s promises never change. It’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is why you can depend on his Promises. Governments will change. Men will Change! Even Circumstances and systems will change, but God’s word remains ever true and faithful. This is why the Psalmist says in our text scripture in Psalm 119 verse 89 that his Word is forever settled in Heaven. Nobody or Nothing can change the truths of God’s word (Jn.8v32: 17v17). This is why you can rely and depend on it.
My Dearly Beloved Ones, I want you to know the following truths about God’s Promises:
– The truth of God’s word is always the Truth regardless of time or environment. His Word is constant and the same (Heb.13v8).
– The Truth of God’s word is reliable and dependable. It never fails or disappoints. You can rely on it (Ps.93v5: 119v86).
– The truth of God’s word is powerful enough to change you and your situation. In fact, there is no situation or person that the Word cannot change if they open themselves to the word (Heb.4v12).
– The truth of God’s word is superior to every other truth. The truth of God’s word is higher than better than every other truth, whether natural, scientific, diabolic truths, etc. The truth of God’s word has no comparison (Rom.8v18). This is why you can rely on it. It won’t put you to shame.
My dear reader, his promises never fail because they are relevant for all times and seasons. So you don’t have any reasons to worry or fret. God will take care of you. He will see you through this season. Everything will ultimately work together for your good. So no reason to fear or panic.
Since God’s Promises Never Fails, what are you to do with it then? Yes, you have certain obligations to his Promises if they will speak in your life. So what are you to Do?
1. You need to be aware of his Promises. If you don’t know his promises, how can you appropriate them? So how much of his promises do you know? (Jn.5v39; Isa.34v16).
2. Believe them with conviction and authority. Your belief in his promises should be unshakable and undeniable. You ought to have an unshakable trust in his Promises. This is how it will work for you (Lk.1v45; Isa.53v1).
3. Walk in the consciousness of the promises. I mean you need to act on it. If you really believe it, you will act on it. So it’s time to start living out his word in your life. You won’t be put to shame as you do this in Jesus name, amen (Jam.2v20, 26: 1v22).
4. Hold fast unto his Promises. Never let it go, for it will surely speak at the end of the day (Heb.10v23, 35-39).
My dear brothers and sisters, God’s Word won’t fail you, neither will it cause you to be put to shame. So hold fast dearly to it.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.89v34-35; 119v86, 138; 2Cor.1v20; 2Thess.3v3; 1Thess.5v24; 1Pet.1v23; Ps.107v20; Mal.3v6).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the faithfulness of your promises in my life! Thank you, Lord, for you are too faithful to fail me.
CONFESSION: God’s word will never fail, for he is not a man that he should lie or repent. My God says what he means and does what he says. This is why my life and experience shall be a reflection of his Faithfulness. His word will never fail me. Therefore, as I hold fast to his Word, I experience the reality of his promises in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
The unfailingly promises,; relevant in all times and seasons. I live in the consciousness of your promises and I receive grace for the manifestations of your promises over my life and family. Halleluyah!
Your word never fails Lord. Let your word be true indeed and be evident in all areas of my life and endeavours in Jesus name.