2Kings4verse26 ‘Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she answered, it is well.’
Dearly beloved, it’s important for you to have the right kind of attitude towards the challenges of life as this is crucial to whether you will be victorious or not at the end of the day. This is what the great woman of Shunem displayed in our text scripture (2Kings4verse26). It is the same Spirit that you ought also to demonstrate towards the challenges of life. When you act like this, you will be putting yourself in a position of victory and triumph at the end of the day. So, my advice to you today is to embrace the right attitude towards your challenges. I believe you are ready to do so from today. In our last lesson, I shared with you some of the right attitude that you need to have towards your challenges, today, by His grace, I will be sharing more with you today. So, without much ado, let’s examine them right away.
4. See Challenges as a Teacher and Equipper. This is how to see your challenges from henceforth. I can tell you from experience that this is one of the vital things we learn from our challenges if we have the right attitude. The challenges of life will teach you a lot of lessons and also prepare you for your assignment and destiny. A good example of this is the life of Joseph. The betrayals and experiences that he went through in Egypt and in the hands of his brothers evidently prepared him for his place of glory and lifting. He also learnt valuable lessons of life that he couldn’t have learnt elsewhere but remember all of this was possible because he had the right attitude. Ps105v17-22. So my dear reader, what valuable lessons and wisdom have been learned from your trials and challenges?
5. See Challenges as a Promoter and Lifter. I know this may sound like an oxymoron, but trust me, this is absolutely the truth. Your challenges can be a promoter and lifter if your attitude is right. There are several examples in scriptures that stand out but I will mention Joseph and Daniel’s stories. By the time you look at what happened to these two men in captivity and how they responded to it, you will see what exactly I mean. We never had these two people complaining or murmuring while in captivity, rather, they approached their challenges with courage and grit. They used their challenges as a basis for their promotion and lifting. In fact, they kept rising and rising in captivity because their attitude was right. This can also be your own testimony if you will embrace a positive and right attitude towards your challenges. Gen39v20-21; Dan1v17-21. So are you willing to embrace the right attitude towards your challenges?
6. See Challenges as a Revealer. Challenges help you to see what you are made up of. In other words, it helps you to see the kind of stuff you are made up of. It helps you to see whether you are a gold or wood vessel. It also reveals the thoughts and intents of your heart. This is how powerful challenges can be. Deut8v2. So, if you want to know the real worth of a man, let him come under pressure; that is when you can know the kind of person he is. My dear friends, this is why you need to embrace the right kind of attitude amid the crisis of life, to manifest the attribute of a winner and not a loser. I pray for you today that your challenges will work together for your good as you embrace the right attitude! I see you winning big in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Lk2v35; 1Sam17v32-37; Gen41v38-39.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive grace today to start seeing my challenges with the right attitude in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: It is a new day for me because I chose to embrace the right attitude towards my challenges. I choose to see my challenges as a helper of my destiny and not a destroyer. I choose to see my challenges from a positive point of view! Therefore, I see everything working together for my good. This is my testimony and song in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.