Ephesians 4 verse14-15 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.’
As a believer, God’s ultimate plan for you is to grow up to maturity. He wants you to leave the realm of carnality and being a child to become a man in Christ. Heb6v1. This can also be clearly seen in our text scripture (Ephesians 4verse14-15). He desires you to leave the realm of being an infant or simple-minded person spiritually to become a mature and complete believer in Christ.
The word maturity means full growth or development. It’s the state of being fully grown or developed. This is God’s ultimate purpose for you as a Believer.
So what does to grow up to maturity imply? It means:
-To become more and more like Jesus. To be like Jesus in character, nature and deeds. Jam1v18
-To be fully grown or developed in every area of life (i.e. spirit, soul and body). Jam1v4.
God does not want your growth to be impeded, stunted, abnormal, impaired or incomplete but he wants you to grow to full maturity in Christ.
However, there are some notable truths you need to know as I lay the foundation on this all-important subject. What are these truths?
1. God is committed to the process of you becoming a mature believer. Its not just something he starts but something he is committed to. He is there with you to see to it that you are mature and perfect in Christ. Col2v10
2. Your maturity is possible here on earth. God will never promise you something that he can’t deliver. I know that there are a lot of imperfections that we battle with as human beings, but glory be to God. His grace is more than sufficient for you. Matt5v48
3. God does not want you to be a baby forever. There is nothing wrong with being a baby Christian, but many things are wrong with remaining a baby Christian. I hope you can see the difference. This is why the issue of growing up in maturity is very important. It’s time to take your growth more seriously. 1Cor13v11
4. There is a price to pay for becoming a mature Christian. Nothing goes for nothing. There is a price for any place you desire to be in life. The same is also true about your Spiritual growth! The beautiful thing about these conditions is that it’s something you can do. Col4v12
5. Every believer has the potential to grow up to maturity. This ability is in every Child of God. It just needs to be developed and harnessed. Are you willing to play your part? It’s when you play your part that things will fall in place. My dear reader, you need not worry about God because he will always play his part. Isa60v22
So it’s time to Grow up in Him in all things. I believe that as we go through this series of teachings, your life will be greatly transformed in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural references: Philip2v12: Lk1v80: 1Cor2v6; 14v20: Rom8v29: Heb12v2: 1Jn4v18: Col1v28
Prayer for Today: Father God, take me higher in my walk with you in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for the grace and blessings of knowing and walking with you. Its my heart’s desire to grow up in Christ in all ramifications. Holy Spirit help me to play my part in this growth process. Change me to becoming more and more like you every blessed day in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I am pressing up the upward way
New heights I’m gaining everyday
LORD plant my feet on higher ground
This is my plead help me Lord in JESUS Name.