Psalm 92verse12. ‘The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.’
Cedar trees are synonymous with Lebanon (Judges9v15:1ki5v6); no wonder the scriptures say that we as Believers ought to grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. From our text scripture (Ps92v12), it’s very clear that God has not left us in the dark as to how he wants us to grow. In our last lesson, I spoke on Flourishing Like a palm tree. Today by his grace, I would like us to consider Growing like a Cedar Tree because it’s obvious that this is God’s will for our lives. To grow like a cedar tree means to grow up, to enlarge upwards, or to increase. My dear reader, in order to understand how a cedar tree grows, you need to understand the qualities or characteristics of a Cedar Tree. So what makes a Cedar Tree peculiar?
1. It’s a highly economical tree. They have strong and beautiful wood that is used to build very important and stately buildings such as Temples or Palaces.1ki5v10;7v12: *SOS5v15. My dear friends, this is how profitable and valuable your life ought to be because you are a Cedar Tree Believer.
2. They are large evergreen trees. They are green all year round. This simply means that they are vibrant and lively all year round. This is also your heritage as a Cedar Tree Believer. Jer17v8
3. They live very long. Sometimes as old as a 1000 years. I know this looks ridiculous but this is to show the covenant of long life and longevity that God has provided for you. Ps92v14
4. They grow very tall. Some cedar trees grow as much as 120 feet high. As a cedar tree believer, there should be no limit to how far you can grow. Eze17v3,22
5. Its wood is very resistant to diseases. In fact, its wood secretes a particular oil that preserves it against diseases. This is how resistant God also wants you to become to the attacks and affliction of the Enemy. Isa54v17
My Dearly Beloved Ones, basically Cedar Trees are symbols of Majesty, Durability, Incorruptibility, and Stability. This should also be the story of your life. This is how your life should look, so to what extent are you manifesting the fruits of a Cedar Tree Believer? I see the order changing for your good beginning from today in Jesus name, amen. If you receive this, say a Big AMEN
Other Scriptural References: Ps104v16: Amo2v19; 1Chro17v1;22v4: Ps148v9: Eze17v23: Sos1v17
Prayer For Today: In the name of Jesus Christ, I grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
CONFESSION: I see myself as a cedar tree believer; therefore, I grow the way a cedar tree grows. I grow upward and tall. There is no limit to my growth. My growth is continuous and consistent. Regardless of the circumstances of life, I grow and I am increasing on all sides because the grace to grow like a Cedar Tree is at work in my life. Hallelujah, be to His holy name!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
This is wonderful.More grace to you sir.