Col.2v6-7: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

Most of the time, our gratitude is with limits or constraints, but this is not the way God expects you to render appreciation. He wants you to abound or overflow with your gratitude, according to (Col.2v7). Our gratitude should be without holding back anything, i.e. freely without inhibition, unlimited, uncensored, unending, and continuous. This is the way to go about showing appreciation to God. Therefore, you should not allow anything or anyone to hinder your gratitude to God. Are you ready for this challenge and by the way, what does it mean to render gratitude without limits?

  • Your gratitude should be more than your request.  Most of the time, our requests are often greater or more than our appreciation. This also accounts for why we hardly see the miraculous hand of God at work in our lives. My dear reader, it’s time for your gratitude to exceed all your requests. Doing this will usher you into a new season of grace and glory (Col.4v2). So make that move today!
  • Your gratitude should be more than your complaint. From the natural point of view, our complaining and murmurings are usually more than our appreciation. This is why you need to change today. Let your commendation be more than criticism. Let your gratitude outweigh your grumbling. This attitude will certainly launch you into a new dimension of life, and if I were you, I would go to work without delay (Phil.2v14).
  • Your gratitude should be more than yesterday. As every blessed day passes by, your capacity to show gratitude should increase. Your gratitude level should increase day by day. This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus, as you can see in (Col.2v6-7). I can see you going to new dimensions as you endeavour to show gratitude without limits.
  • Your gratitude should be more than usual. It should be extraordinary or excessive. Have you ever showed gratitude beyond the norm? This is the kind of gratitude that your heavenly father wants. May today usher you into a new dimension of praise (Jn.12v3).
  • Your gratitude should be more in challenging times than prosperous times. It’s normal to express joy and appreciation more when the going is good, but on the contrary, the best time to shower gratitude on God is during tough times. You can see the example of Paul with Silas when they were locked up in prison (Acts 16v25). So what are you waiting for? It’s time to double or even triple your praise more in this season. As you do so, you see another dimension of God’s power and grace that you have never seen before. I, therefore, welcome you to a life of gratitude without limits. Get ready for a change of story. Get ready for your transformation; if you believe it, you need to embrace it and practice it (Hab.3v17-19).

Other Scriptural References: (Ps.34v1-2; 2Cor.6v10; 2Sam.6v13-14; Gen.8v20; 2Cor.9v7; Phil.2v14: 4v6-7; 1Thes.5v18).

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I am ready for a life of Gratitude without limits. I receive your empowerment in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I receive grace to take my gratitude to another level. I choose to glorify God in my struggles and challenges. I choose to amplify my praise in times of challenges more than the time of prosperity. I will praise my God more than usual. I exalt God above my complaint and predicaments. I will praise my God more and more. Glory be to his name, for my capacity to praise God is getting better and better. I am a recipient of the wonders of his praise. This is my testimony and my song in Jesus name, amen.