Ephesians 5v16: Redeeming the time because the days are evil.
Dearly beloved, I trust that this series of teachings is helping you to make the most out of your day. Your day is not supposed to be spent anyhow. You can profit from the use of your days, and in fact, your days shall be fruitful and productive from henceforth. Nothing just happens, but things are made to happen. This is why I have been sharing some of the principles that can help you get the best out of your day and time. Today by his grace, I intend to share two more powerful tools that can help you in this regard. So if you are ready for this, here we go!
- Find your Prime Time. Everybody has prime time. What is a Prime Time? It is the time best suited for you to do your work. It’s your best time of working, and it’s also your most productive time of the day. This is the time before the law of diminishing returns sets in. For some of us, you may be an early bird or night crawler kind of person when it comes to your Prime Time. What do I mean by this? It means for some of us; you work better during the day while some are better during the night. It’s your responsibility to find out the kind of person you are in this regard. Find out what works for you and stay in this area of strength. Doing this will help you to profit greatly from the use of your day and time. I have done this also in my life and believe me, it works. So find out what time of the day you are at your best and operate from this area of strength from today. I can see your story changing for the better in Jesus’ name, amen (Mk.1v35).
- Review your Day. This is another essential weapon in maximizing your day. It’s because we don’t review, that’s why we are not making much progress. So precious child of God, have it in mind to always review your day. Evaluate every day, i.e. what you did, where you went, what went wrong, and how to avoid such the next time, know what is working and why it’s working, etc. Did it meet your expectations? Did you hit your targets or not? These are some of the things that can help to evaluate any day properly. So make up your mind to start inculcating this habit into your operations. Evaluating your day will help you to account for how you have spent your day (2Cor.13v5). So what are you waiting for then? It’s time for the daily review of your day and time.
Other Scriptural References: (1Thess.5v21; Hag.1v5, 7; Ps.139v23-24: 62v12: 63v1-2; Rom.2v6).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, teach me to number my days so that I can apply my heart to wisdom and better decisions in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: From today, I enter into the habit of getting the best out of my day. I refuse to allow circumstances or people to dictate how my day will look or go. Instead of reacting, I choose to respond positively. Every day is the day of the Lord, and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I focus on the positive and not the negative. I focus on the things I can control and not on things beyond my control. I choose to maintain a calm and quiet spirit. I will not be moved or distracted by my senses or environment. Regardless of each circumstance, I choose to have a fruitful and fulfilling day. As I cooperate with God and the principles I am learning here, my life and results are changing for the better in Jesus’ name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.