Romans 8 verse 12-13 ‘Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if we live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.’

One of the victories we need to enforce as part of our redemptive rights is mastery over our flesh. There is no doubt that there is warfare going on in this area of our life but thanks be to God for our victory is already secured in Christ Jesus. Heb2v14-15. As you can see from our text scripture in Romans 8 verse 12-13 that we are debtors not to live after the flesh. We are not to live after the flesh anymore but through the Spirit of God, we are to dominate our Flesh. This is God’s will for every one of His children. i.e. we must gain victory over the flesh. But is this a living reality in your life? This is why this series of teachings are coming your way! To empower you to walk in dominion over the flesh. By the way, the word flesh here means the body of man, sinful nature of man, depraved or human nature or the old man. You and I need to enforce our victory over the flesh. You may be wondering why we have to contend with the flesh? Why deal with the issue of the flesh?

 You need to deal with your flesh because:

– Your spirit man is saved or born again. Your soul and body are not yet saved. 2Cor5v17

-You are still living in the earth realm. You are still in the world; although not part of this world, you still have to deal with Satan. 2Cor4v4

– God has given you the tools and resources to combat the flesh. Glory be to God, you have what it takes to prevail, so you need not worry or fret. Gal5v16.

Dearly beloved, this is why you need to know how to gain mastery over Your flesh. The word mastery means to have total control over somebody or something. It’s victory, dominion, having the upper hand, subdue or conquer.

However, before we start looking at how to gain mastery, there are some essential truths you need to know about your flesh. What are these truths?


1. If you don’t tame your flesh, your flesh will tame or subdue you. My dear reader, your flesh can harm or destroy you if you allow it. This is why you need to know how to gain control of your flesh. Esau failed to deal with his flesh, that is why his flesh destroyed him. We often think our flesh can’t harm us at times, but that’s a lie from the pit of hell. This is why you need to take charge of your flesh before it takes over your life. Will you begin to do so today? Gen25v29-34

2. Your flesh loves to be pampered. It likes to be caressed. Your flesh doesn’t like the things that will foster your progress spiritually. Your Flesh does not want you to cultivate any form of spiritual discipline. This is why you need to do something about your flesh before it does something to you. Acts20v7-12

My dear brothers and sisters, now is the time to walk in victory over your flesh. It’s possible to dominate Your Flesh. May this become a living reality in your life from today!

Other Scriptural references: Rom8v 6,31,37: Col2v15:1Pet2v11: 2Cor10v3-5: Num11v4: 2Sam11v1-2: Ps109v24: Matt26v37-46

Prayer for Today: Thank you, Father, for giving me Victory over my flesh in Christ Jesus!

CONFESSION: I will walk in dominion over my flesh because Christ has given me the victory already. I   am no longer a slave to the flesh because of what Christ has done. Therefore, I enforce my victory by faith. I have control over the works of the flesh in my life. As I enforce my victory, I subdue all the works of the flesh in Jesus name, amen.