Eccle.10v19: A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answers everything.
Financial Freedom can be a reality in your life! It’s something that can happen. It can become a living reality in your life if you are willing and ready to learn and imbibe certain principles into your life. These are some of the things I will be sharing with you. In our last lesson, I introduced the first key to achieving Financial Freedom. So today by his Grace, I intend to finish up what I started in our last Lesson.
- By changing your mentality about Money. I shared with you some of the negative mind-sets that you need to eliminate if you want to be financially free. Your thoughts are very powerful because your life will gravitate in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. Once again today, I will be sharing some other negative mentality that you need to get rid of. So without much ado, let’s examine them right away:
Iv. Money is difficult to get. This is not true. Money is not hard to get. The reason you think it’s so is because you believe so. So stop thinking that money is hard or difficult to get. Stop seeing money as a scarce resource. See it as an easy currency. As you change your perception about money, money will become an easy thing for you (Pro.23v7).
Money is easier to get in some places than others. This is not completely true. Money flows everywhere, it just depends on which wavelength you are on. So where you are is not the issue, it’s your connection that’s important. Take for instance the life of Joseph whether he was in Potiphar’s house, Prison, or the Palace, he prospered regardless of the conditions. So it’s important for you to know that you are blessed as a believer regardless of the circumstances or places. This is the kind of mentality that will put you over in your finances. So it’s time to begin to see yourself from this dimension. I guarantee you that this will put you over in your finances in Jesus name, amen (Jos.1v7-8).
vi. Some people seem to be lucky with money more than others. This is not true and the earlier you deal with such kinds of thoughts the better for you. The truth of the matter is that you make your own way Prosperous. Prosperity is a matter of choice and not by CHANCE. No one was born with a silver spoon in their mouth so stop thinking like this. Money is not biased. It only flows in the direction of those who have mastered it. In fact, you ought to see yourself as someone who has been anointed to get wealth (Jos.1v8).
vii. Money is not that important or I don’t need it. This is one of the lies of Satan that you need to deal with in your mind if you will be financially free. On the Contrary, Money is important. Yes, it’s not everything but it’s something that you need on this side of eternity. You need money to meet your needs, help others and build God’s Kingdom. So money is a necessity. In fact, most of Jesus Parables were about Money. This goes to show the importance and necessity of Money. So change your mentality about money. Start seeing it as a resource and not something that controls you (Zech.1v17).
I believe you are on your way to financial Freedom as you put on this mindset in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Deut.8v18; Pro.10v22; Ps.5v12; Mk.9v23; 3Jn.v2; Gen.13v2: 24v1, 35; 1Tim.6v17).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive Grace and courage in dealing with every negative mindset about Money in my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Financial freedom is my heritage and Testimony. I embrace the right kind of thoughts about Money. I refuse to think negatively about money. I see money as my servant and not the other way around. Therefore, money serves me. Money responds to my needs and dreams. Glory be to God, money answers to every one of my needs in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Money responds to my needs and dreams! hallelujah
I am anointed to get wealth
Prosperity is a matter of choice not by chance.
Thank you Sir