Ps.74v9: We do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet; nor is there any among us who knows how long.
There are always reasons why some things do not happen and why some things happen! The life of the miraculous belongs to the righteous. That is why you should experience the Miraculous often and regularly too. This was why the Psalmist said in our text scripture (Psalm 74 verse 9) that we see not our signs. There are certain signs or miracles that should accompany the believer (Mk.16v17; Jug.6v12-13). You are supposed to live and enjoy the atmosphere of Miracles because you are a supernatural being. In fact, Miracles are the children’s bread (Matt.15v28). This is the more reason why Miracles should be a common thing in your life.
I know there are many wonderful definitions of what a miracle is but I like to share a definition with you that really blessed me a lot.
“A miracle is as a dumb man telling a deaf man that a blind man saw a cripple running across the road to help a barren woman to carry her baby”. I am sure you, too, are blessed by this definition. This is what a Miracle represents. It’s the impossible becoming possible or supernatural intervention in the natural occurrence of life. So how can you experience the Miraculous? How can Miracles become commonplace in your life?
- Believe that Miracle days are not over. This is one of the conditions for experiencing a miracle. It’s a lie of Satan to think those miracle days are over. The truth of the matter is that Miracle days are here again. Our God is still a miracle-working God and he will show up big in your life (Mk.16v15; Exo.15v11; Ps.72v8). So never say miracle days are over!
- Believe that your Miracle is not far away from you. This is an important criterion for experiencing a miracle. Precious child of God, your Miracle is closer than you imagined. If you only knew what to do, you would see that what you are looking for is not far away. Stop looking outside. Start looking inside. Help does not come from Abroad but from Above. If you consider the miracle of loaves and fishes in the Bible, you will see that the Miracle was from within them and not from outside. Therefore, I also decree today that what you are seeking is right before you! May your eyes be opened to seeing it in Jesus name, amen (Lk.5v4-6; Acts 13v1-2).
- Your Miracle will come from places and people you least expected. Yes, this is an essential component of a Miracle. This is why you should never limit God. Don’t put him in a box. He can use anybody anywhere at any time for you. He can even use anything, anywhere and at any time for you. You see this again and again in the Bible. God used the Ravens and the widow of Zarephath to feed Elijah the Prophet (1ki.17v2, 9). Get ready for a Miracle encounter from places and people you least expected this Week. I believe your expectations won’t be cut off.
- There is something you have to begin the Miracle Process. You might not even know it or even be conscious of it but it’s there. This was what happened to Moses. The same shepherd stick he was carrying all these years was what God used in doing Miracles (Exo.4v2, 17). So my dear brothers and sisters, you need to know that something you have now will take you to where you are going. There is a miracle in your house. There is a Miracle in your hands. You have something to start the Miracle Process. May your eyes be opened to the Miracle in your life. Yes, I know your five loaves and two fish may not be enough but if you put it into the Master’s hand, he can multiply it and turn it into a Miracle (2ki.4v2, 7).
I pray for you today that you will not miss out on your Miracle Today. God’s Miraculous Power will locate you right where you are today. Get ready my dear reader, for your miracle is on the way!
Other Scriptural References: (Jn.21v6: 11v47: 9v16; Gen.18v14; Jer.32v17, 27; Ps.86v10; 2Ki.5v10-12: 7v1; Acts 19v11).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I am open to the Miraculous. I believe in Miracles and my miracle moment shall not elude me in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Miracle days are here once again. My God is a Miracle Working God. Therefore, I expect his Miraculous works in my Life. My Miracle is on the way. I see Miracles everywhere. I am a partaker of his Miracles and I am also a channel of his Miracles. Glory be to his name, for I am a bundle of Miracles. Thank you, Jesus!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Miracles are everywhere,I receive mine.
Thank you Lord for your word. Let your miraculous power locate me today Father.