Lk.2v40, 52: And the child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.
Dearly Beloved, I believe you are enjoying this series of messages on spiritual growth. So far, I have also shared with you four indicators of spiritual growth. These are pointers of growth. They help us to know the extent or kind of growth that is taking place in a man’s life because real growth is discernable. So, my dear reader, if you are really growing, you will know and discern it. Spiritual growth is not hidden, neither can it be concealed. Once again, today, by His grace, I will be sharing two more indicators of spiritual growth with us. So if you are ready, let’s examine them right away.
5. FAVOR. If you are growing spiritually, you will never lack His grace or favour in your life. As a matter of fact, his favour will be on the increase in your life. This is clearly evident in the life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in (Lk.2v40, 52). He was increasing in God’s favour. This is the portion and heritage of those who are making spiritual progress. You can’t put down a man that is growing spiritually. Grace is what simplifies life and makes things easy. It’s the underserved kindness and unmerited favour of God. Spiritual Growth makes you attractive and highly favoured. So to what extent are you manifesting His favour? Are you growing in His favour? If you want to experience greater dimensions of God’s favour, take your spiritual growth more seriously. So my dear reader, it’s time for you to operate on a higher dimension of his favour. It all begins with your attitude towards your spiritual growth. I pray that today will usher you into a new dimension of his grace.
6. GROWING IN WISDOM. Wisdom is an indicator of growth. If you are growing spiritually, you will be growing and increasing in the wisdom of God. Are you growing in wisdom? Are you becoming wiser and prudent? In fact, spiritual growth makes you wiser. Like Samuel, the boy grew under the tutelage of Eli, the priest. He became wiser as the days passed by (1Sam.3v19-20). This is what will happen to you or what ought to be happening to you, if you are really growing spiritually. By the way, what is Wisdom? It is:
The correct application of knowledge. Yes! I know you know many things but putting it to work is another thing. This is what separates knowledge from wisdom. So to what extent have you been able to put to work the things you know or learn? (Pro.15v2, 7)
The ability to deal wisely in the affairs of life. The wisdom of God will teach you to know what to do and where to go in the business of life. So to what extent are you displaying this virtue? (11Ki.2v9)
The Word of God. The Word of God does not contain the wisdom of God but it’s actually the Wisdom of God personified (2Tim.3v15). So how much of his word do you know and practice? This will be a clear indication of your spiritual growth.
Precious child of God, are you really making any spiritual progress in your walk with God? Are you really growing? You can know if you are growing spiritually by these virtues and qualities that I have shared with you in this series. Does your life reflect these traits and virtues? Depending on your answers, one thing is clear, the need to take your spiritual growth more seriously. May this be your reality and testimony at the end of the Day!
Other Scriptural References: (2Pet.3v18; Col.4v5-6; Ps.19v5; Jps.1v8; 1Sam.2v26: 3v19; Acts 4v33).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I take full responsibility of my Spiritual life and growth. Help me, Lord to bear the fruits of one making spiritual progress indeed in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am growing in my walk with the Lord. I am growing every day and at every opportunity that I have. Thank God, I am who I was before, for I am now a new creation in Christ. I am becoming more and more like Christ as I walk in cooperation with him. I am gaining and growing in his wisdom. My life is a reflection of His grace and favour. Glory be to Jesus, for I am making greater spiritual progress in my walk with Him. Hallelujah to his name!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I am growing in my walk with God and His Favour and Wisdom will continue to be evident in my life in Jesus name. Amen.
Halleluyah 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Thank you for the word sir..
Thank you Lord. I grow spiritually in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Thank you for the great insights shared Sir. I grow spiritually in Jesus Name.