Galatians 6verse9: ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’
I sincerely believe you are enjoying these teachings on not becoming weary. Regardless of how long you have been in the Lord, it’s equally important for all of us to pay attention to this admonition! It’s not just to start well but equally important to finish well, too. Whatever you do for God, it’s important for you not to become weary in it. We have covered several areas in this series but today, our focus will be on how not to become weary! I am sure that you are interested in knowing how not to become weary! So, without much ado, let’s examine how we cannot become weary!
1. Keep your eyes on God. Your focus determines so many things in your life, such as the following:
-It determines who you become.
-it determines what you get.
-it determines what becomes magnified in your life.
-it determines the direction in which you go.
-it determines your assimilation.
-it determines whether you will be inspired or not.
-it determines what will control your life.
This is why it’s important for you to fix and keep your eyes on God if you will not become weary in life. Ps34v5. Keeping your eyes on God is not easy but it’s impossible because God won’t ask you to do something you can’t do. A lot of people have been distracted from their goals and objectives in life because of divided or broken focus. Jam1v8. My dear friends, if you really want to be a winner in life you must learn to focus because winners focus while losers spray or dissipate their energies. So keep your eyes on God! Keep it fixed and steadfast on him. As you do this, you will see that God will be your stabilizer and rock in the midst of the storms and distractions of life. And you will be strong in the midst of the battles.
However, from my personal experience, I have discovered that you need to deal with certain things if you will succeed in keeping your eyes on God. What are these things?
-The Things that are not allowing you to keep your focus on God. This will differ for everyone, but you will agree that you know those things that are making you struggle with your focus on God. So deal with them decisively. Pro14v10
-The people that are not allowing you to keep your focus on God. It’s possible to be involved in some relationships that are negatively affecting your focus on God. So are you going to be courageous enough to audit and exit such relationships from your life?
Dearly beloved, in any case, you need to strive to keep your eyes on God, if you won’t become weary. So how exactly can you do this, since you can’t see God physically speaking?
You do this by:
-Keeping your eyes on his Word. God and his words are the same. Jn1v1. So keep your eyes on his words. Give it your attention and time. Pro4v20-22. As you behold his words or promises, you get strengthened and energized. He becomes your pillar of support and place of refuge. Again, as you keep your eyes on his words, your faith is built up! Those who regularly behold his words, won’t become weary or despondent. So keep your eyes on God by looking unto his words day by day, for therein lies your prosperity and victory! 2Cor3v18.
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor5v17; Pro3v21-26; Heb12v2; Ps25v15.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to keep my eyes on you all the days of my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to keep my eyes on God for he is my strength and fortress! He is an upholder and stabilizer! He will keep me strong in the battles of life. As I keep looking unto him, I will stand and not fall. I will enter into the fullness of my inheritance in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.