Galatians 6verse9: ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’
The admonition of not being weary is something that you and I need to take very seriously. We need to watch ourselves when it comes to not being weary because it’s possible to become cold, tired or worn out! This is why you need to keep watch and be vigilant in this area of your life. No man is too big to fall.1Cor10v12. My dear friends, weariness is something that you need to attack and Confront in your life. And one of the ways you can win this battle effectively is by knowing what causes weariness! If you will defeat an enemy you need to first and foremost know the root cause of its operations. This is what I started sharing with you in our last lesson. And today by his grace, I will proceed further with other causes of weariness. So what causes weariness in our lives?
5. Because of not being watchful. 1Tim4v16.If you fail to adhere to the admonition of being watchful in the Bible, there is a likelihood of you being weary. So be on your guard.
6. Because of offences and bitterness. Failure to deal with resentments and bitterness can lead to you becoming weary. So my candid advice to let go of things as much as possible so as to travel light.Lk17v1
7. Because of no new challenges and dreams. This is also one of the major reasons for people becoming weary in their walk. We can also see this in the life of King Solomon: when he was building the temple and his personal house, he was fervent, but the moment he accomplished those things, he became weary because of a lack of new challenges. So, always endeavour to pursue something instead of something pursuing you.
8. Because of Delay. Pro13v12
9. Because of Discouragement. My dear brothers and sisters, you need to watch out for any discouragement in your life, as this could make you weary. Ps42v5, 11. So say this after me, I will give no place to discouragement in my life.
10. Because of the kind of challenges that you encounter on your way. At times we become overwhelmed with the magnitude of the challenges at stake. But thanks be to God, you can always look up to God because he will never leave, not forsake his own. So rejoice, child of God, for your redemption draw night. Num21v4.
I want you to know that no matter the cause of your weariness, you can overcome and come out victorious. Watch out for insights in this series as I elaborate more on this principles.
Other Scriptural References: 1Sam30v6; 1Pet5v8; 1Cor16v13.
Prayer for Today: Today I lay the axe to the root cause of any form of weariness in my life in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: Today is my day of victory and Joy! For I am free from the bondage of weariness and lukewarmness! My motivation and strength is back! I am revived and renewed in strength and vision. Glory be to God! It’s a new day!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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