Galatians 6verse9: ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’
You are welcome back to this exciting series on not becoming weary. As you can see from our text scripture (Galatians 6verse9) it’s possible to get weary in well doing otherwise, the scriptures won’t be admonishing you not to be weary! So how far have you gone in your quest to not becoming weary? Whatever level you are at the moment, I believe that God’s grace will empower you more for greater victory and exploits in this area of your life. So, back to our discussion on how not to become weary? How can you not be weary?
3. By finding time to wait on God from time to time. This is an important aspect of not getting weary in life that we must fulfil; otherwise, we will be prone to weariness. The challenge at times is that we don’t create the time to rest, refresh, retreat and renew our strength. And this is very important if you won’t become weary! My dear friends, you need to remember that we are human beings and not robots or machines! If you won’t break down or burnout, you need to create the time to wait on God regularly. Isa40v31.This is one of the fundamental keys to overcoming weariness. I want to take note of the following truths about your strength:
-Your strength can be preserved.
-Your strength can be diminished or decreased.
-Your strength can increase or multiply. Ps84v7
-Your strength can be used up.
-Your strength can fail. Pro24v10
-Your strength can be renewed or revived.
-Your strength can be sustained.
However, it all depends on what you do with your strength or how you use it. This is why you need to invest time in waiting on God regularly if you will not be weary. Isa41v1
So my dear reader:
-when was the last time you waited on God?
-How often do you wait on God?
-Is waiting on God a regular part of your life?
The answers you give to these questions will determine where you are with regard to waiting on God regularly!
So, my advice today is to start making time to wait on God so that your strength will be regularly renewed and refreshed! Are you going to take up this challenge?
Other Scriptural References: Isa49v23; Ps27v14:31v24:62v1-2; Isa25v9.
Prayer for Today: Father, I receive grace from you today to wait on you regularly in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I tap into the power of waiting on God from today! I will not allow weariness to have its way in my life, anyone, by way of my carelessness. From now on, I choose to be vigilant and alert by making time to renew and refresh myself! Thank you, Jesus, for this new strength and wisdom!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.