Galatians 6verse9: ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’
Praise God for the wonderful words that he has been sending us since the beginning of this series. I believe that you are getting stronger and better. And much more getting the needed help and grace in dealing with weariness in your life. God’s Word always brings deliverance and healing provided we receive it by faith. My prayer for you is that God will perfect all his work in your life through these series of teachings in Jesus name amen. From our last lesson, I started sharing with you on how not to become weary and today I will continuing from where we stopped last time. So how can I not be weary?
2. By keeping your eyes on the prize. Yes this is one of ways by which you can defeat weariness in your life. By the way what do we mean by keeping your eyes on the prize? Keeping your eyes on the prize can mean the following:
-Keeping your eyes on your destination i.e. where you are going or heading in life.
-Keeping your eyes on the reward. This speaks of what you will obtain or become as a result of your efforts. 1Cor9v24.
-Keeping your eyes on your goals, targets or dreams. 2Ki2v10.
These are just some of the dimensions of what it means to keep your eyes on the prize! So, my dear brothers and sisters, are you keeping your eyes on the prize? Philip3v13-14. Or perhaps another question to consider is what is preventing you from keeping your eyes on the prize? Whatever it is, you need to deal effectively with those things so that you won’t lose out on your great inheritance and reward. So if I were you, I would make up my mind not to become weary. How can you do this? By keeping;
-Your eyes on your destination. Never lose sight of where you are going. Keep it before your eyes all the time. Lk9v62.
-Your eyes on the reward. The prize is worth the price. Therefore don’t settle for something else or less! Keeping your eyes on the rewards is a good form of motivation and encouragement. Become resolute in your mind like Elisha (2Ki2v2, 4, 6, 8).
-Your eyes on your goals, targets and dreams. Don’t allow the goings to affect what you are gunning for! Don’t allow what you are facing to take away from your goals and dreams. Keep hope alive by focusing on them. Pro23v18. You will surely reap a bountiful harvest if you faint not! As long as you refuse to lose sight of the prize, you won’t go weary. So keep your eyes fixed on the prize!
Other Scriptural References: 2Ki2v15; Heb3v6, 14: 6v12, 15; Eccle6v9
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me keep my eyes on the prize and not the pains in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: No matter the pressure and pains of life! I will remain resolute in my focus on the prize! I refuse to relinquish the reward and dreams of my heart! I will be steadfast and unmovable by his grace! Thus I will possess my possession in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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