Galatians 6verse9: ‘And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.’

We need to watch out for weariness in our walk with God and our lives, generally speaking, if we will fulfil our glorious destiny. This is one reason Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians saints in our text scripture (Galatians 6verse9). This admonition is also true concerning you and I today! The Word weary in our text scripture means the following:
-To be bad or weak. It also means to fail in heart or faint.
A further analysis of this Word also reveals the following things:
-To be exhausted in strength, endurance, vigour or freshness.
-A Feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion.
-To be very tired, especially after working hard for a long time.
-To be bored with something because you have experienced too much of it.
So my dear reader, what is making you tired, worn out, exhausted, fatigued, sleepy, drowsy, sapped, jaded, drained, spent, burnt out and fagged out? Or in what areas of your life are you getting weary? These are important questions you need to ask yourself if you will win the battle over weariness. Eph5v14. So, your posture should be that of a fighter and not a quitter. You need to stand up against any form of weariness in your life today! However if you will be able to do this successfully, you need to know what causes weariness. So why do people become weary? What brings us to a state of weariness?

People become weary because of the following reasons:

1. Because of what people have done to them or do to them. This is one of the major causes of weariness that you need to pay attention to if you do not become weary. Gal5v7

2. Because of what people say to them or have said to them. My dearly beloved ones, do ever allow what people say to make you weary because people will always talk. Just make sure that you please God all the time. Gal1v10

3. Because of a lack of rest. Did you know that failure to give yourself adequate rest can lead to you becoming weary or tired? Mk6v31-32

4. Because of a lack of renewal of strength. We need to regularly renew our strength if we don’t become weary. Isa40v31.
Therefore, you need to prioritize times of renewal in your life as a believer if you want to be effective in what you do.
This is where I will be drawing the curtain today in my discussion; why not join tomorrow for the continuation of this series.

Other Scriptural References: Matt13v25; Pro6v9-11; 1Cor15v34.

Prayer for Today: Lord I receive grace to be ever fervent all my days in Jesus name amen

CONFESSION: I say no to every form of weariness in my life and work! I refuse to put up with weariness! I resist and stand up against it in Jesus name! It’s not going to be my portion neither will it be seen in my work! I am on fire for God! My zeal will never go down! From glory to glory that is my testimony