Romans 8verse14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.’
You are welcome back to our discussion on the subject of divine guidance and I hope you have been blessed by the things I have shared with you so far about this great and important subject. Your ability to hear from God is very crucial and also a major determinant of so many things. This is why you need to take it seriously. Today as we progress in our discussion on this subject, I want us to address a very important area that is associated with hearing from God. And this has to do with the problems that people have with hearing from God. I have discovered that despite the fact that God speaks, not everyone of his children is acquainted with his voice. Why is this so? Things are like this because of some of the reasons I will be sharing with you, so without much ado, let’s examine some of these reasons.
1. Not everyone knows when God is speaking. This is often one of the most common problems associated with hearing from God. If you cannot discern God’s voice, it will be difficult to hear from Him. So my dear reader, can you recognize the voice of God? You know that there are many voices in the world. Hence the reason why you need to be able to discern God’s voice. God’s voice is different from your voice and the voice of the world. 1Cor14v10. One of the ways by which you can discern God’s voice is by regularly fellowshipping with God. The more familiar you become with God, the easier it will be for you to discern his voice. Eph5v10. So if you want to leave the realm of not discerning God’s voice, begin to prioritize your time of fellowshipping with God. The more you do it, the clearer God’s voice will be unto you. Exo3v1-4;33v11
2. Not everyone understands what the Lord is saying. Hearing is not the same as understanding and seeing is not the same as perceiving. Hearing God’s voice is one thing, it’s another thing to understand the message. This is what happened to Samuel in the temple; he had a voice but never knew who it was, nor did he understand the message. My dear reader, it’s important for you to be able to decode the message, otherwise, you might misinterpret the message. Acts8v30-31: Pro16v22. So it’s time for you to be able to decode whatever God might be saying to you.
3. Not everyone is ready to do what the Lord is saying. This is another problem associated with hearing from God. At times, people hear God but they are not ready to obey his voice. This is also why people practice different kinds of obedience in their walk with God. But this ought not to be so. God’s desire is for you to obey with the whole of your heart. 1Sam15v2-3,11,13. What is the essence of hearing his voice and not obeying his leading? So my dear friends, if you want things to change for the better, you need to become an obedient child of God. Jer42v6
I believe that you can now see why we have some challenges in hearing from God. But in the name of Jesus, light has come today, so we no longer walk in darkness. Hallelujah!
Other Scriptural References: Deut28v1-2: Isa50v4-5: Heb3v7: Lk9v44-45: Ps32v8-9; Num12v8: 1Sam3v1:1 Thes5v21
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in discerning your voice all the days of my life!
CONFESSION: I embrace the truths of God’s word today! Therefore, I am no longer in any form of bondage or control. I yield myself fully to the spirit of truth, therefore I hear from God with ease in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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