Romans 8 verse 14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.’
Not every believer has been able to fully walk in the subject of divine guidance. But this ought not to be so because God wants to lead every one of his children. This is evident also from our text scripture (Romans 8verse 14). This scripture gives us the assurance of being led by God. So precious child of God, you can be led of God and in fact, you should be led of God. So why is God qualified to lead you? Why is God qualified to be your guide? I’d like us to consider a major reason for this:
1. God knows and sees all things. There is no mystery with God. God sees and knows the things that you can’t see or know. This is why he is best qualified to lead you. Jb34v21-22: Pro5v21: Heb4v13. My dear reader, this is one of the obvious reasons why you need God to guide you: He can see better and farther than you can. He also knows better than you, so it’s just natural to allow him to guide you. My dear reader, you can’t navigate your way through this life all by yourself, this is why you need God as your guide. I believe that you know that:
-Not all roads lead to the right place. There are so many ways but you need the right way. So this is why you need divine guidance to make the right choice. Pro12v15
-You are limited in knowledge scope and understanding. This is why you need God’s wisdom and counsel in navigating your way through life. Ps37v25
-Divine guidance is the answer and solution to life’s puzzles, mysteries, and challenges. God has a way of turning his searchlight on the dark areas of your life. Ps103v7
My dear brothers and sisters, I believe that you can see why God has what it takes to lead and guide you. It would be right to say that God is the best person to guide you in the affairs of this life. This is why I would encourage you to listen to Him and also follow his lead. If you want to succeed in this life, you need to be divinely guided. So it’s time to take this business of being led by God seriously. I pray that this series of teachings will usher you into a new realm of walking with your maker.
Other Scriptural References: Matt24v4: Pro20v12: Isa42v18-20: 1Jn4v1: 2Chro16v9: Jer16v17
Prayer for Today: Lord, I surrender myself to your leadership and counsel from today in Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: Lord I take you as my guide and counsellor. I will not walk in my own ways instead, I choose to walk in his ways. I know that what God wants for me is the best. Therefore, I choose to follow God all the way. Thank you, Father God for being my guide and Leader!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen amen amen.
thank you you sir, the lord will continue to give you more grace IJN Amen