Romans 8 verse 14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God; they are sons of God.’
I am super excited about this subject matter today because it’s something everyone needs. What is divine guidance? It’s:
-Knowing the will of God for your life or in any situation.
-Knowing what to do, where to go, and what to do in the situations of life.
-The Ability to hear from God.1Tim4v1
There are other kinds of leading such as the following:
-Being led by people. Exo23v2
-Being led by the opinions of others
-Being led by the mind or soul
-Being led by the flesh. Rom8v6
-Being led by the circumstances of life
-Being led by Satan and his cohorts
But all of these can’t be compared with being led of God. When God leads you, he:
Becomes your guide. That is, he shows you the way. Isa48v17. It also means that God becomes your counselor and helper Ps23v1;32v8
-Influences or control your actions or behavior.
My dear reader, the whole concept of divine guidance is something that will change your life for the better if you allow God to lead you. The truth of the matter is that we all need guidance or counsel in one form or the other. And the good thing about this is that God has offered to lead you and I. This is a wonderful proposition that you can’t allow to pass you by. So since God has made himself available, it’s left for you and I to embrace this opportunity. I believe that you will take advantage of this opportunity because I know it will change your life and help you walk with God forever. Ps25v12-14. So I welcome you to a life of being regulated and guided by God. One thing is sure, this experience will surely transform your life. So join me in our next lesson as I share with you why God is qualified to lead you.
Other Scriptural References: Ps18v28;34v11: Eph5v17: Jer10v23: Pro20v24: Rev3v6,13,22
Prayer for Today: Lord, I surrender myself to you from today as my guide and counselor. So help me in Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: Father God, I embrace you fully as my leader and guide. I surrender myself to your lead and instructions! I choose to follow your lead and not myself. As I go with you, I know that I shall not lead astray or put to shame in Jesus’ name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.