Psalm 23verse1 ‘The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.’
Dearly beloved, there are certain divine assurances that we have in God as per meeting your needs that you need to know and be fully persuaded about. These are some of the things that I have been sharing with you for sometimes now in this series of teachings! I pray that Jehovah grants you deeper revelation and understanding! So what is another divine assurance that gives you confidence that God will meet all our needs?
4. God has unusual ways of meeting your needs! Yes, he does! My God is unlimited in his ways of meeting your needs! This is another important assurance you need to know regarding meeting your needs! Our God is unlimited in his power, wisdom and approaches with regards to meeting your needs! You can’t put him in a box! In fact, he has a thousand and one ways of meeting your needs! Isa55v8-9. This is why your heavenly father is not bound by the laws of nature, land, natural economy, policies or the environment when it comes to meeting your needs! My dear reader, this is an important revelation you need to know in your heart without any doubt. In fact, I want to always remember the following statements of truth about God’s unusual ways of meeting your needs:
-God can use anybody anywhere and anytime to meet your needs. Yes, this is absolutely true and you need to believe it.
-God can use anything at anywhere and at any time to meet your needs. Remember what he did with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes.Matt14v20
-God can use any place, anywhere and at any time to meet your needs.
-God can use any situation anywhere and at any time to meet your needs!
He is not bound by place, person or situation! This is why he is the unlimited God. And the earlier you know this truth, the better for you as a believer! I pray for you today that today will mark a new beginning in your life and walk with Jehovah as your shepherd in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Lk18v27; Matt15v33:14v15; Jer32v17, 27; Ps25v4-5
Prayer for Today: Hallelujah, it’s a new season for me because my days of working from one pay check to another are over in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I receive grace and wisdom to be a doer of these truths in Jesus name! My life won’t be the same again! Things won’t be the same again! My whole life is changing for the better because this revelation about God being my Shepherd is working mightily in me!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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