Lk.18 v 1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
I have been speaking on the subject of developing your prayer life and the tool of praying without ceasing as a means of developing your prayer life. In our last lesson, I explained the concept of praying without ceasing, and today by His grace, I will be sharing with you reasons why you need to pray without ceasing. As I have mentioned before, praying without ceasing is one of the ways of developing a vibrant prayer life. So, in what ways does it really help your prayer life?
Advantages of praying without ceasing:
i. It makes you a stronger believer. The more you pray, the better or stronger you become, and vice-versa. Prayer produces powerful people. This is why it’s often said that a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian and a prayer-less Christian is a powerless Christian. It’s time to pray without ceasing! (Jam.5v16-18).
ii. It destroys and averts the works or operations of Satan. This is why Satan does not want you to prevail in the place of prayer because he knows the consequences of praying without ceasing. But thanks be to God, it’s too late for the devil to stop you now, for the time to put an end to his operation has come (Dan.10v1-13).
iii. It enhances/develops your spiritual life. This is one of the major reasons why you need to pray without ceasing because prayer helps you to grow spiritually. My dear reader, it’s time to empower and enable your spiritual life. It’s time for you to blossom spiritually. Make up your mind that you will embrace the concept of praying without ceasing. May that fire fall on your prayer life today! (Matt.26v41). Dear friends, may the fire on your altar never go off in Jesus name. May you truly experience a transformation for the better in your prayer life!
Other Scriptural References: (Matt.13 v 25; 1 Pet .4 v 7; Eph. 6 v 12, 18; 2 Cor. 10 v 3-5).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I pray that the fire on my altar will never go off in Jesus name, amen. May my love for prayer never diminish.
CONFESSION: I am anointed to pray and get results. My prayer life is growing and developing. I am getting stronger and better. Limits are broken and barriers are being taken out of my way. I pray with greater freedom and flow. I break new grounds in my prayer life and I am growing by leaps and bounds in Jesus name, amen. This is my testimony and experience. This is my reality and world! Thank you Jesus for visiting my prayer life!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you Lord for I am blossoming in my spirituality spiritual life through an active prayer life. Halleluyah!