Lk. 18 v 1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.

Dearly beloved, I hope this series of teachings on “Developing your Prayer Life” has been of great help and blessing to you, for this is one of the major objectives of this lesson. How is your prayer life? I believe you are getting better by His grace and help. I am trusting God today that as I share with you another key to improving your prayer life, your prayer life will never be the same again in Jesus name, amen. So here we go!

How to develop your prayer life?

5. By praying without ceasing. Praying without ceasing is one of the veritable means of growing and improving your prayer life. If you only pray once in a while, you are denying yourself the chance of building momentum and growing in your prayer life. We ought to pray without ceasing if we are to develop our praying lives. This is what the scriptures say in (1Thes.5v17) and the phrase “without ceasing” means uninterruptedly, without omission, on an appropriate occasion. Are you ready to give this kind of commitment to your prayer life? You see, things don’t just work by themselves but by steady application and dedication. This is the kind of devotion that your prayer life needs! The time to pray without ceasing is here.

By the way, what does it really mean to pray without ceasing? To pray without ceasing means the following:

  • To pray regularly i.e. to pray consistently or continually. (Col.4v2).
  • To pray all the time i.e. to pray always. This does not mean to pray all day long but to be prayerful in all the seasons of life i.e. morning, afternoon, or evening (Ps.55v17).
  • To have an attitude or disposition of prayer i.e. to be favorably disposed to prayer.
  • Not to fail or forget to pray i.e. not neglecting to pray.
  • Not to stop praying i.e. it means to continue to pray until the answer manifests. Not to give up on prayer (Jam.5v16-18).

These are just some of the dimensions of what praying without ceasing means and this is the way you ought to approach prayer if you really want to develop your prayer life. My dear reader, I encourage you today to embrace the concept of praying without ceasing in order to see a turnaround in your prayer life!

Other Scriptural References: (Acts 1 v 14: 6 v 4; Rom. 12 v 12; Eph. 1 v 16; 1 Thes. 3 v 10).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I commit myself to praying without ceasing. Holy Spirit, help me never to fail in the place of prayer in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Father God, renew and revive my hunger for praying. I receive a fresh baptism to pray without ceasing. I renew today my commitment to praying without ceasing. I give myself to the business of prayer. This is my utmost desire and longing in Jesus name, amen. Holy Spirit, help me never to be weary or faint in the place of prayer.