Lk. 18 v 1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
Dearly beloved, I believe your prayer life is being revived as a result of this series of teachings. I can see the breaking forth of a new day in your prayer life. If you believe, do say a big amen in Jesus name, amen. I am still talking about the tools that can help you in developing your prayer life and so far, I have shared 2 of these tools with you. My focus in today’s lesson will be on the third tool. Let’s check it out now!
How to develop your prayer life?
3. By depending on the help of the Holy Spirit. My dear reader, do you know that the Holy Spirit is your comforter? By comforter, I mean someone who has been sent to walk alongside you to help you. He is your helper, aider, succour, counsellor, advocate, and intercessor. He wants to help you in the place of prayer. This is his responsibility and ministry. Are you willing to allow him to help you indeed? Only you can answer this question but honestly speaking, if you will allow him, your prayer life will never be the same again (Jn.14v26).
Precious child of God, he really wants to help you pray better. In what ways does he help you to pray? The Holy Spirit helps you to pray:
- By taking hold of your weaknesses/frailties. As human beings, we are characterized by infirmities i.e. feebleness of mind and body but thanks be to the Holy Spirit for coming to our rescue and aid. You see, relying on his help in the place of prayer helps you to effectively deal with your frailties, thereby putting you over. It’s time to depend on the help of the Comforter (Rom.8v26).
- By helping you to break through barriers/obstacles in the place of prayer. There are barriers and hindrances in the spirit realm. In the place of prayer, relying and depending on the Holy Spirit will help you to break forth powerfully. This is why the help of the Comforter is so crucial and vital to your prayer life. As you rely on him, I see every stronghold turning into stepping stones of success for you in Jesus name, amen (Rom.15v30).
My dear reader, it’s time for you to walk in partnership with the Holy Spirit if you really want to develop your prayer life. May today usher you into this new season in your prayer life.
Other Scriptural References: (Eph. 6 v 12; Dan. 10 v 11-13; Gal. 4 v 13, 119; Jn. 16 v 12-13; Col. 1 v 8; 2 Cor. 13 v 14).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I invite you afresh into my prayer life. Help me in developing my prayer life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The Holy Spirit is my blessed helper and aid. He empowers me to pray. He is my strengthener in the place of prayer. I do not pray in my strength and power. The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my power. Therefore, I am energized and empowered to pray. His strength and grace carries and sustains me. Glory be to God, my prayer life is fortified by the Holy Spirit and I am positioned for extraordinary results.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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