Lk. 18 v 1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
How is your prayer life? Is it developing or not? Well, whatever your answer might be, I have good news for you today. You can develop your prayer life; it can become stronger and better. This is the essence of this series of teachings and I believe that your prayer life will greatly improve for the better. As you can see from our foundation scripture in (Lk.18v1), one major reason men are fainting is because of failure in their prayer lives. How can you develop your prayer life? This is what I intend to share with you from today. Are you ready?
How to develop your prayer life?
- By praying. The way to develop your prayer life is to pray. This means that if you don’t pray, you can’t develop your prayer life. You don’t develop your prayer life by wishing or desiring but by getting involved in the business of prayer. Have you enrolled yourself in the School of Prayer? Do you pray? Do you have a time of prayer? (Acts 3v1). Do you make or create time to pray? (Eph.1v16). Are you committed to prayer? (Acts 6v4). Your answers to these questions will reveal to a large extent how you are faring in the business of prayer. My dear reader, it’s time to actively engage yourself in the business of prayer as you cannot become an expert or authority in something you don’t do frequently.
Now, this leads us to a very important question, how should you pray? This is a crucial question that you need to answer because knowing how you should pray will help you to be involved in the business of prayer which ultimately helps you to develop your prayer life. How should you pray? You should pray in the following manner:
- Now or today. The time to pray is now and not tomorrow.
- Anyhow. Don’t worry if your verb or grammar doesn’t agree, just pray! (Lk.18v10-14).
- Right where you are. Where you are now? Just pray, regardless of where you are, for God is not limited by time, circumstance, or environment (Jon.2v1).
- Regardless of how you feel. Pray regardless of how you feel.
- Whenever the opportunity presents itself. Never let an opportunity to pray to pass you by (Acts 1v14).
- Pray in understanding i.e. pray in the language that you understand (1Cor.14v14).
- Pray in the Spirit i.e. pray in other tongues (1Cor.14v2, 13).
My dear reader, these are just some of the ways you ought to pray so as to grow your prayer life. Are you ready to maximize these avenues of prayer?
Other Scriptural References: (Eph. 3 v 14; Phil. 1 v 4; 1 Thes. 1 v 2; Acts 16 v 25; 2 Tim. 1 v 3; Acts 4 v 23-31).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, please help me to maximize the avenues of prayers that you have revealed to me today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am committed to developing my prayer life. Therefore, my prayer life will no longer suffer or wobble anymore. I am gaining new grounds and strength in the place of prayer. I am getting stronger and effective in my prayer life. Glory be to God, for my prayer life is improving and I am changing for the better in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I am getting better in the place of prayer
I pray and receive answers in Jesus name
Thank you Lord
Thank you for sharing these thoughts sir