Lk.18v1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.

You are welcome back to our discussion on developing your prayer life. It’s imperative for you as a believer to grow, expand, and advance in your capacity to pray. In fact, developing your prayer life should be your priority. From Lk.18v1, you can see that God’s will and desire is for your prayer life to grow and blossom. Are you becoming stronger or weaker in your prayer life? Only you can answer this question and I honestly hope that your answer will inspire you towards developing your prayer life. For this is the right thing to do.

From our last lesson, I shared some of the things you need to know about developing your prayer life and today by His grace, I will go a step further in sharing some other truths with you.

Truths about developing your prayer life:                   

3. There are different phases/levels in the development of your prayer life. It’s just like going through school i.e. you go from nursery/primary to secondary, from secondary to higher institutions (i.e. Polytechnics or Universities) from first Degree to Master’s Degree, from Master’s Degree to Doctor of Philosophy. In the same vein, as you grow in your prayer life, you will go through various levels also (Matt.7v7-8). I pray for you today that you will find the strength and grace to grow along this line/path in Jesus name, amen.

4. The more you develop your prayer life, the better you become in your prayer life and vice-versa also. This is a fundamental principle for developing your prayer life that you need to master if you really want to grow. You become stronger or more proficient in the place of prayers as you exercise yourself in the place of prayer. So are you ready to exercise yourself? Are you willing to push? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether your prayer life will grow or not. I want you to know that there is no limit to where your prayer life can grow if you are ready to do the needful. So it’s time to take hold of your destiny. It’s time for you to travail and prevail in the place of prayer. It’s time for you to experience a turnaround in your prayer life and may the change start from today (Acts 6v4).

Other Scriptural References: (1Thess.5v17; Jud.1v20; 1Cor.13v11; Col.4v2; 1Thess.3v10; 2Tim.1v3; Eph.6v18).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to overcome every yoke of weariness and weakness in my prayer life in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I take full responsibility for my prayer life. I am ready to play my part and role in developing my prayer life. My prayer life is changing for the better. I am breaking new grounds in my prayer life and I am moving into new and higher dimensions of prayer. This is my testimony. Glory be to God for my days of struggling in my prayer life is over in Jesus name, amen.