Lk. 18 v 1: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
I am super excited about this series of teaching on developing your prayer life because prayer is the acid test of a life that is truly devoted to God. How is your prayer life? And by prayer life, I mean a lifestyle of prayer or the time you spend with God in prayer. It’s very clear from (Lk.18v1) that your Heavenly Father expects you to have and also develop your prayer life. In fact, he wants you to be strong and virile in your prayer life. One major reason why men are fainting or failing is because they are not diligent in the place of prayers. This is why it’s important to develop your prayer life (1Tim.2v8).
The word develop means to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate. It carries the idea of progressing, flourishing, thriving, or prospering in your prayer life.
However, before we start looking at the tools for developing our prayer lives, there are certain important concepts about developing your prayer life that you need to know and they are as follows:
Truths about developing your prayer life:
- Your prayer life can grow and develop. Regardless of where you are today in your prayer life, it can go to another level if you are ready to play your part or role. If the prayer lives of Peter, John, and James can improve and develop, then there is hope for you too. There was nothing encouraging about those people’s praying lives in the beginning but as you can see from the scriptures, their prayer lives got better with time. And you know God is no respecter of person but of faith, if he did it for them, your case won’t be an exception (Lk.9v28-32; Acts 3v1).
- Developing your prayer is your personal responsibility. If you really want to develop your prayer life, you need to take full responsibility for it and not blame others or your circumstances for your prayerlessness. You need to quit playing the blame game and start taking responsibility now. If it’s going to happen, it depends on your actions and decision. So, it’s time to take responsibility and stop shifting the blame (Rom.2v1; Mk.1v35).
My dear reader, are you ready to take your prayer life to another level? I believe your answer is a yes! I, therefore, encourage you to start taking the initiative today.
Other Scriptural References: (Rom. 12 v 12; Matt. 26 v 40, 43, 45; Acts 14 v 23, 31; Lk. 5 v 16: 6 v 12; Col. 4 v 12).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I desire to grow in my prayer life. Holy Spirit, help me to take my prayer life to another level in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am committed to developing my prayer life. Holy Spirit, revive my prayer life. I receive fresh fire upon my prayer altar. My prayer life shall not die or diminish. I overcome every weakness and feebleness in the place of prayer. Every yoke of luke-warmness is broken. Therefore, I receive fresh desire to seek the Lord in and out of season. Glory be to God, for I am growing by leaps and bounds in my prayer life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen. Thank you Jesus