Mark 1 verse 35: And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
Your personal devotion with God is one of the most significant relationships in your life. This is why it should not be treated lightly or with levity. In fact, your devotion with God is much more important than your service or ministry. As you can see from the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our text scripture (Mk1v35), it’s obvious that he placed a lot of value and importance on his devotion with God.
So what do you mean by your personal devotion with God? Your personal devotion refers to:
-Your time spent alone with God.
-it’s the habit of diligently and consistently spending time with God.
Basically, it’s your time of being ministered to by God and not a time of ministering to others.
Am sure you are wondering what is the importance of having this time out with God? Yes, my dear reader, your personal devotion with God is very important because of the following reasons:
– It’s the foundation of your walk with God. The foundation of any building is the most important part of that building, this is why a lot of attention and focus is given to this part of the building. In the same way, is your personal devotion with God. It’s time to give it your best attention. Ps11v3
– It’s the secret of effective service. If you don’t want to suffer from burnout or fatigue, then your ministry must flow out of your fellowship or devotion with God. This is why it’s the key to effectiveness in service and why you need to put a premium on it.
– It’s the secret of power with God. If you really want to walk in the fullness of his power and glory, you will need to take your devotion with God more seriously. Lk1v80
Beloved, I believe that you can now see why this part of your walk with God is very important and why you need to take it more seriously. How should you, therefore, go about your personal devotion with God? This is a very important question to consider at this juncture and without much ado, I’ll like to share some insights with you along this line.
1. Create Time For It.
You will never have time for what you don’t create time for, and besides, you will always have time for the things you value. So if you value your time out with God, you will have time for it. The first step is to create time for it, from experience, the best time for your devotion is early in the morning. Where do you see this example? It’s all over the scriptures, from the example of our Lord in Mark 1verse 35. Some other references in the bible are as follows (Ps5v3: Jb1v5). So, my dear friend, you need to create time for your devotion with God.
2. Make It Regular.
It’s not just something you do once in a while but something you do consistently. This is what real biblical devotion is all about. It’s in consistency that the power lies; therefore, you need to make your devotion a daily habit. This is how you can get the best out of your devotion. Lk1v80
Dearly Beloved, now Is the time to take your time out with God more seriously. I pray that the fire of God will fall afresh on you today.
Other Scriptural references: Lk4v42: 1Ki17v1: Ps63v1; 143v8: Pro8v17: 1sam1v19: Gen22v3: Lk4v16
Prayer For Today: Holy Spirit revive and restore my personal devotion with you, beginning from today in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: Lord, I seek to know you more and more. I seek to grow in my walk with you, my Lord and Savior. As I seek you with the totality of my being, my walk with you is getting better and stronger. Glory be to God, for his Fresh Fire has come upon my life.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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