Matt.4v19-20: Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”. They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
Acts 4v13: Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
Developing your leadership ability is one of the significant things you can ever do for yourself because it will not only change your life for the better but also bring glory to God. So, how serious are you taking your capacity to lead to another level? You need to do something, and I believe this is one of the reasons God is bringing this series of teachings your way. So make sure you seize the moment! I have shared four powerful keys to unlocking your leadership ability. Today by his grace, I will be sharing with you the fifth key. So let’s examine what this principle is all about!
- By your willingness to work with others. You cannot be a leader if you don’t know how to relate with people. This is why followership is a vital part of leadership. Your ability to deal with all kinds of people will develop your leadership ability. As a leader, people are your most appreciable asset. This is why, if your relational skills are weak, your leadership will suffer but if your relational skills are strong, your leadership will be strong. Our Lord and Saviour in his lifetime here on earth was able to deal successfully with all kinds of people, no wonder he was the greatest leader that ever lived. In his team, he had all kinds of people like Peter, James, John, Thomas, Matthew and even Judas Iscariot, to mention a few.
The truth of the matter is that you will meet with all kinds of people in your leadership journey. Some of them will be good, bad, ugly, average, excellent, slow or fast. What is most important is how you deal with them. A great leader is someone who can get results through people and also walk with all kinds of people (Amos 3v3). So on what level are you when it comes to walking with people? The person who works better with people is a follower. The person who helps people work better is a manager, while the person who develops people is a leader. So which one are you in particular?
My dear reader, there is no leadership without people and to develop your relational skills you need to:
- Understand People. Everyone is unique, different and special. So to succeedas a leader, you need to know how people think and feel. You can’t lead people you don’t understand. So how well do you understand people? (2Chro.10v1-16).
- Love People. You cannot lead people if you don’t genuinely love them. In fact, you need to love people more than your position or title. Love is something you can’t fake, it’s either you have it or not. So how well do you love people? (Jn.21v15-17)
- Help People. As a leader, you need to focus more on what you can put into people and not what you can get from them. Be a blessing and not a burden. Impact people and not extort them. Be a helper of their destiny and not a stumbling block. This will help you greatly in relating better with others (Heb.13v16).
So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to improve your ability to get along with people; doing this will take your leadership to another level. See you at the top in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 9v36-41: 10v38; Matt.20v26-28; Jn.15v13; 1Chro.27v32-34; Eph.4v3; Ps.133v1-3).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I choose from today to work on my ability to get along with others. Help me to become better relationally in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Developing my leadership ability is my ultimate goal and pursuit. I commit myself to the development of my leadership ability. I am willing and ready to learn how to deal with people in an intelligent, mature and better way. As my ability to relate with others gets better, my leadership ability is getting better. Lord, I receive your grace and mercy to deal with any issue or barriers in my life that will not help me to relate better with others. From glory to glory, Christ is changing me; therefore, I find greater liberty and joy in dealing with other people in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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