1 Chro. 12 v 22: “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God”.
Dear friends, I trust you are enjoying our discussion on the ministry of destiny helpers. These are men like angels or angels like men that God has assigned to help you in the journey of life. Our focus has been on the qualities of these helpers of destiny and today, by His grace, I will be sharing 2 more attributes of this peculiar people.
Who are destiny helpers?
7. They are helpers of your warfare. Destiny helpers have been equipped by God to fight your battles. They see your battles as their battles and they will gladly fight for and defend your cause. Such were the kind of men that David had as his mighty men in (2Sam.21v15-17). They were loyal to the call and ready to fight with the last drop of their blood. May God bless you with such people in Jesus name, amen. With such men, you will be able to go far and also accomplish greater things. I declare today that your vision and dreams will not lack such men in Jesus name, amen.
8. They are people who are ready to go along with you no matter what. They are loyal and committed to your vision or dream. They stand firm with you through the thick and thin of life. They would not abandon or desert you at the slightest opportunity or when the going is tough and turbulent. This was what Ruth was to Naomi; a friend indeed and a true companion. She went all the way with Naomi (Ruth 1v16-18). These are the kind of people that you need in your life not fair-weather friends but faithful and dependable allies (Pro.18v24).
My dear reader, I prophesy to you today that your days of walking alone and in the dark are over! Your helpers of destiny will not be far from you and you will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen. If you believe this, I want you to receive it by faith and say a big amen to this!
Other Scriptural References: (1 Chro. 12 v 1, 17-18; Jn. 6 v 66; 2 Tim. 4 v 10-11; 2 Sam. 15 v 18; Philip. 2 v 21-22).
Prayer for Today: Father God, I thank you for sending helpers of warfare my way. Thank you for blessing me with the gift of faithful men and women. Lord, I am eternally grateful for your love and care in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending helpers of destiny my way. Glory be to God for I am blessed with helpers of my warfare. I am blessed with faithful and trustworthy men. I am never alone. I do not fight alone. I do not walk alone. My labour and investments are being complimented by my helpers of destiny. Therefore, I will not be put to shame and God’s name is being glorified in my life. This is my heritage and portion in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I receive helpers of destiny in Jesus name. Amen