Joshua 1verse6 ‘Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I share unto their fathers to give them.’
Taking ownership of the kind of life that God has in store for you requires you to be more daring in nature. To be more daring is to be bolder, more adventurous, and more courageous than ever before. You can’t afford to be passive; otherwise, things will just pass you by. This is why you need to embrace a life of courage! This was the message God sent to Joshua in our text scripture (Josh 1:6). God wanted him to be daring and bold.
There are 3 kinds of people on the earth today:
-Those who look at what is happening.
-Those who wonder what is happening.
-Those who make things happen.
So which category do you belong to? My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to know that there is no reward for the spectators and wonderers, but rewards are only for the major players in the game of life. So how can someone be more daring?
1. By being willing to face your Goliaths.
What do I mean by this? Facing your goliaths involves facing your challenges, fears, insecurities, anxieties, etc. Essentially it’s been ready to confront everything that is trying to stop you from getting to your promised land. So are you ready to face your Goliaths? Stop running from them and start facing them. This is how you can become more daring in life! So let’s get busy! 1Sam17v45-46
2. By being willing to take the initiative.
This is how to become more daring in life. If you truly want to become all God designed for you to be, then you need to be action-oriented. Stop being a passenger in the business of life! Get involved! Participate! Show up and contribute your quota. In this way, you gain momentum and also make your mark.
When it comes to taking initiatives, you should take initiatives concerning the following things:
-Your Future and Tomorrow
-Your Destiny
-Your Joy and Happiness
-Your Vision and Dreams
-Your Career, Business, and Ministry
-Your Family and Relationships.
-Your Health and Wellness
So my dear brothers and sisters, are there other areas of life where you think you need to take the initiative? Seize the moment today! Matt21v1-7
Other Scriptural References: Jam2v20, 26: Luk4v16-17: Jb3v25-26: 1Chro22v13: 2Tim1v7
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive new courage to fulfil my dreams in Jesus name, amen
CONFESSION: I choose to dare more! I say no to every spirit of timidity and cowardice! I embrace the spirit of courage! I choose to follow my heart and the spirit of God! As I take those steps by faith, I enter into my glorious destiny.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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