2Corinthians 3verse18 ‘But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the lord is changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord’.
God is interested in transforming every area of your life i.e. spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, financial, vocational or professional, relational, e.t.c. He wants you to be totally or fully transformed. This is what the concept of total transformation is all about. it’s about transformation in its entirety. 2Corinthians 3verse18 tells us that as we behold his Face, we get transformed or changed from glory to glory. This should be a reality in your life but a good question to address today is how this transformation will take place. How does God achieve this miracle of transformation? He does so by the following.
1. Divinely. No man can change himself or anyone. Only God can bring about total transformation. So you need to expect God to do this work of transformation. God will do this powerful work of change as you cooperate with him. Are you willing to surrender to his will and ways? 1Sam10v6-7: Jn15v5
2. Suddenly. At times, God works out his Miracle of Transformation suddenly i.e. unawares, unexpectedly, e.t.c. Like he did on the Day of Pentecost. Acts2v1. It was a drastic change that took people unawares. God did the same also in the life of Joseph within a day when he moved him from being a prisoner to a Prime Minister. He is still the same God, so you can expect him to visit you suddenly in this season.
3. Gradually.This is another way God works out his miracle of transformation in our lives. He does it steadily, regularly, slowly but there is an ongoing and continuing work of transformation taking place. So don’t be discouraged if, at times, the miracle of change looks slow; something is definitely taking place on the inside. Jb14v14.
4. In Phases. God also works out his transformation in our lives in phases. This simply means he does so in stages or segments. It’s similar to what we see in the butterfly (from Egg to Larva to Pupa and to Imago). This is what is also called Complete Metamorphosis You need to know that his Work of transformation can take place in your life in stages. So don’t be discouraged at whatever stage you may be now; if you stay with God, you will get to your promised land. Just wait till your change comes. Isa28v10.
5. Permanently. Beloved, the work that God is trying to do in your life is a work that will be lasting. One that can stand the test of time. This is why God is taking his time to work on you. One thing is sure and certain; you won’t remain the same again. When you check the Bible, you will notice that those who had an encounter with God their lives were not the same again. If you allow God to perfect his work in your life, his glory will be seen in your life. Gen32v25.
Dearly Beloved, will you allow God to complete his work of transformation in your life? You need to remember that he is the potter and you are the clay; if you will allow him, he will bring you to the place of glory and beauty. So it’s time to say Yes Lord to his Work in your life.
Other Scriptural references: Eccle3v14: Rom9v28; 12v2: Matt4v19: Acts4v13: 1thess5v23: Jn15v16:
Prayer for Today: Lord, I surrender myself to your work of transformation in my life!
CONFESSION: From glory, to glory, my God is changing me. His power and likeness are working in me. I am moving from the old into the new. He is restoring and renewing me from the inside out. Therefore, a new and better me is emerging. Glory be to His Name, for I am walking in the fullness of his nature in me!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen. I am worked on by God and become more like God in Jesus name
Thank you Jesus for your perfect and permanent works of transformation in me. Halleluyah!