Eccle.6v9: Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of desire. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind.
What are you focused on? Whatever you are focused on will determine whether you will be happy or not. This is why we need to choose our focus right. (Ecclesiastes 6 verse 9) highlights the importance and the power of our focus; this is why you need to pay very close attention to your focus. You need to choose your focus rightly and wisely. In fact, this is why you should not focus on the wrong things. The truth of the matter is whatever you focus on will affect you either positively or negatively, as the case may be. I hope you understand that your focus possesses certain powers. What do I mean by this?
– Whatever you focus on, that is what you will become. This is why you need to pay attention to your focus (Pro.23v7).
– Whatever you focus on, that is what you will receive or get. This is an extremely important principle that you need to remember always if your focus will work for you.
– Whatever you focus on that is what will be magnified in your life. If you focus on problems, problems will become magnified in your life and if you choose to focus on solutions, solutions will evidently be magnified in your life. This is why it’s important for us to pay close attention to our focus. So you need to choose your focus wisely and you need to focus on the right things. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way today to make changes in the areas you ought to do (Ps.25v15).
So what are the areas of my focus that I need to work on, or what areas do I need to change in my focus?
1. Stop focusing on what you don’t have; instead, start focusing on what you have. You can never be happy or satisfied as long as you keep focusing on what you don’t have; this is why you need to change your focus. A lot of people are not fulfilled and unhappy in their lives because they are focusing on the things that they do not have instead of focusing on the things they have. The beauty of this truth is that what you have far surpasses what you do not have. So instead of wasting your time and energy on the things you do not have, why not begin to spend that time on the things you have so that you can truly be fulfilled and happy in life. I have also discovered that when you focus on the things you don’t have, it robs you of the joy of the present. So it is time for you to begin to use your energy and time wisely by focusing on the things that you have. Precious child of God, if you make the needed changes in this area and start focusing on the things you have, it will amaze you with the kind of progress and joy you will experience. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to make a paradigm shift. It’s time for you to enter into the fullness of your joy; your change begins today (2Ki.4v2; Jn.6v9).
2. Stop focusing on what is not working; instead, start focusing on what is working. A lot of us are unfulfilled in life because our centre of attention or interest is wrongly placed instead of focusing on what is not working. You need to begin to focus on the things that are working in your life; if you choose to focus on your errors, mistakes, shortcomings, failures, and disappointments, you will never truly be happy in life. So you need to make an adjustment in your focus. Start focusing on your success, wins, accomplishments, testimonies, gains, strength et cetera. These are the things that will increase your joy and sense of fulfilment. Whatever is not working is not supposed to be the focus of your attention. Today you will discover that things will change for the better for you. So why don’t you begin today? You deserve to be happy and fulfilled because it’s part of your heritage in Christ. May today mark the beginning of the Fullness of your joy (1Ki.19v10, 14, 18).
Other Scriptural References: (Philip.2v12: 3v13-14; Pro.4v25-27; Lk.9v62; Heb.12v2; Exo.4v2, 17: Phile.1v6).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to what the power of focus can achieve in my life.
CONFESSION: I choose to pay attention to my focus. I realise that the power of focus is available to me. Therefore, I maximise this power to my advantage! I choose to focus on the right things and not on the wrong things. From today I choose my focus wisely and by the power of the Holy Spirit! Therefore, I enter into a new season of fulfilment and joy. I say bye-bye to every form of bitterness and unhappiness! This is my testimony and Experience from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I receive a change of focus in Jesus name and no more dwell on the past and what is not working. I focus on possibilities and that is what I receive in Jesus name. Amen